Bringing a new life to an existence is one of the most precious moments of any parent’s life. At KIMS Cuddles, we strive to make those precious moments of a mother even more memorable and cherishing through our services.

Bedside Echocardiography And Cardiac Services

Bed side echocardiography is very important for early diagnosis and prompt management of cardiac defects. We have a team of trained cardiologists available round the clock....


Eye Examination

Retinopathy of prematurity of prematurity (ROP) is a disease of very preterm babies, which can lead to blindness if not treated in time. To prevent ROP, our ophthalmologists will p...


Genetic Counselling Services

All babies born or admitted to our hospital are screened for common metabolic and genetic diseases. Our team along with the genetic department at KIMS provide full support to babie...


High Frequency Ventilators

Babies who have severe lung disease may fail on conventional ventilators. For such babies we have the facility of high frequency ventilation....


Mechanical Ventilation

Sick newborns especially preterms may have lung immaturity/dysfunction. These neonates may require ventilator support....


Neurodevelopmental Care

Our team includes Occupational therapist and support staff who visit the NICU regularly and help in the developmental support of the sick babies. This support continues even after ...



Premature babies periodically need to be evaluated by ultrasound of brain. We have facility of bedside ultrasound and if required we have advanced neuroimaging facilities like MRI ...


Phototherapy And Exchange Transfusion

Babies who develop significant jaundice require special lights called phototherapy and in rare cases may require exchange transfusion....


Universal Hearing Screening

All babies born in KIMS Cuddles undergo hearing tests to detect early deafness....


Health Blogs


04 January, 2022

What are the Signs of a Sick Baby? The Symptoms of Conditions That Require Neonatal Treatment.

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You may be filled with energy and enthusiasm while bringing your baby home from the hospital. However, having a newborn and taking care of him or her in the initial few months can be a stressful and daunting task. One of the major reasons behind worrying is that the baby may get sick often. But how will you know when your newborn gets sick? Since initially, you do not know the normal behavior of your infant, identifying the newborn signs or newborn symptoms can be difficult. Generally, the newborn signs can be subtle even when the infant is suffering from a serious illness. Since the immune system of the infants is not so strong, you must identify the newborn signs and symptoms and evade any infections. Here’s a guide that will help you to know the newborn symptoms and conditions that require neonatal treatment in your infant. Newborn symptoms that may require neonatal treatment. Differentiation between the normal and abnormal conditions in newborns is crucial.  You should watch out for any of the newborn signs that require neonatal treatment and call your doctor when necessary. So here’s a glance at some of the newborn signs that will help you to evade any infection in your infant. Abdominal distention. Generally, the abdomen of a baby feels soft between feedings. However, if you feel that your infant’s abdomen is hard or swollen then there could be a problem with gas or Constipation. The swollen stomach can even lead to an intestinal infection or problem in case your child hasn’t had a bowel movement for more than a day or two. Blue baby Generally, newborns may have mildly blue hands, feet, face, tongue, or lips, in case they feel cold or cry hard. However, if you see that the blue coloring persists in your baby for several days along with feeding and breathing issues, then it might be time to visit your doctor. Such newborn signs can be a symptom of an infection or signify an issue in the heart or the lungs.  Coughing while feeding.  Initially, the newborns may cough while they learn to feed. However, in case your newborn coughs regularly whenever he or she is trying to eat, then it could be a symptom of a problem in the digestive system or the lungs of the child. Amplified crying. Generally crying is a normal symptom in newborns.  When you see your newborns crying, you can check whether they are warm, fed, and have a clean diaper.  But in rare situations, the newborns may cry and shriek out in different sounds for abnormally long periods. This could be a newborn sign of an illness and hence, you should call a doctor. Jaundice The mild yellowish tinge in the infants, known as mild jaundice is completely harmless. However, if the build-up of bilirubin in the baby’s blood is heightened, then jaundice may be harmful. If you notice your baby developing jaundice to a high extent, then you should call the doctor. *Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before making any decision.


23 November, 2021

Newborn Sleep

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Newborn Sleep  Sleep patterns in newborn babies is different from that of children in that they usually sleep for most of the time in a day. Often this will be hard for the new parents to know what normal sleep pattern of their newborn baby is and how long a baby will sleep. How are sleep patterns in newborn? Newborn baby sleep for most of the time in a 24hour period and wakes up in between for feeding every few hours. There will not be any fixed schedule for the newborn sleep and their day and nights are little confusing. Most of the newborn babies sleep for about 16 to 18hours duration in a 24hour period. They sleep mostly in the day time and will be awake during night time. This could be probably due to sleep pattern during the stay in their mother’s womb. They usually start to learn the day and night rhythm by about 6 to 8weeks of age. But the sleep patterns can vary and some babies may not sleep during night time through their initial few months. Newborn baby will wake up for feeds atleast once in every 2 to 3 hours. Parents need to closely watch for the changes that happen in the sleep patterns of the newborn as their sleep duration will gradually decrease and awake period increases through their first year of life. How can we identify the sleep readiness of the newborn baby? The following signs can help you to know the readiness for sleep. Fussiness Excessive Yawning Not interested in the surroundings Redness of the eyes What are the different alert phases in a newborn? Newborns also differ in their alertness as well. Quiet & alert phase: Phase where the baby is awake, not crying, calm and interested in the surrounding. Active & alert phase: Phase where the baby is active and attentive to sounds. Crying phase: This follows active and alert phase. Baby can be easily over stimulated, and cries out loudly. Baby can be held and swaddled to calm down. How can you help the baby to fall asleep? When the newborn baby shows signs of sleep readiness, they can be held in your arms, make the environment comfortable, calm and quiet. Swaddling also help them to feel safe and help in falling asleep.  What sleep positions are best for a baby? Putting the baby on his or her back is safest. Prone position (placing baby on tummy) and side sleeping positions has an increased risk of sudden infant death (SIDS) as per research. What are the things to keep in mind while making a newborn sleep? As per American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) recommendations on infant bedding: Baby should be placed on his or her back on a firm surface Avoid pillows, soft toys, comforters in the baby’s bed Tuck a thin blanket only upto baby’s chest Baby’s face should remain uncovered.


13 October, 2021

Fever In Newborn

Authored By: Dr. Aravinda Lochani T

Normal body temperature is 98.6 F or 37 C (+/- 0.5 C). Any body temperature greater than 99.5 F or 37. 5 C is termed as fever in newborns. Fever is the body’s defense mechanism that helps to fight infection or inflammation. How to measure fever: By using a digital thermometer in the axilla (armpit) or with the help of an infrared thermometer which measures the skin temperature (usually measured from the forehead) Causes of fever:  Dehydration (due to poor feeding) Hot environment or proximity to sunlight Wrapping the baby in too many clothes Infection Postvaccination Maternal fever at the time of delivery Symptoms: The baby may be irritable, appear flushed, have either fast breathing or decreased breathing efforts, have dull activity, abnormal tone, and decreased intake of feeds Untreated fever or infection may lead to seizures and has increased risk of mortality.  What to do when your baby has fever: First unwrap the baby and keep the baby in a normal environment (25-28 C). Try to give breastfeed/expressed breast milk as spoon feed to the baby. Recheck the temperature after 20-30 minutes.  If baby’s temperature is normal and baby is feeding adequately, ensure frequent feeds. A properly fed baby sleeps comfortably between two feeding sessions, passes urine 8-10 times in a day and gains weight consistently. If the baby is still having a temperature of > 99.5 F, or having any other symptoms mentioned above, approach the doctor as early as possible for complete evaluation of dehydration/ infection.  KEEPING BABIES WARM (PREVENTING HYPOTHERMIA) Normal body temperature in adults is maintained by metabolism (through brown fat stored inside the body) as well as by shivering. Babies, before they were born, lie inside the mother’s womb, where the amniotic fluid keeps the baby warm. Normal body temperature of newborns measured in the axilla(armpit) is between 36.5 C- 37.5 C. After birth babies tend to become hypothermic due to the cold environment and also because of not able to generate appropriate shivering response. Low body temperature leads to dull activity, poor feeding, increased risk of infections and also increased risk of mortality. How to avoid hypothermia (or low body temperature) in term babies: Immediately after birth baby should be dried fully with a clean towel and placed on the mother’s chest/ abdomen. Breast feeding should be initiated within 1 hour of birth and baby should be roomed in with the mother throughout the day. Breast feeding should be encouraged every 2nd hourly, in the first few postnatal days. Avoid bathing the baby until the cord falls off. Keep the baby always covered with cap, socks, mittens and dress. Keep the baby wrapped properly all the time. Maintain the room temperature between 25- 28 C. Avoid placing the baby near open window or doors where there might be exposure to cold air/draught. The palms and soles of the baby should be as warm as the chest when the skin temperature of the baby is felt by the back of the parent’s hand.  If the soles of the baby feel cold compared to chest, baby is in cold stress and needs to be clothed and wrapped properly If for any reason, baby’s skin feels cold, or baby is dull with decreased intake of feeds, contact the health care personnel. PREMATURE INFANTS: Premature infants are more vulnerable to low body temperature because of: A higher skin surface area compared to weight.Thin skin with no subcutaneous fat which leads to evaporative heat loss.Less brown fat and poor vasomotor control. Inability to establish full feeds at birth due to gut immaturity Therefore premature babies need to be cared for in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), where the babies will be placed under radiant warmers to maintain body temperature. Very premature babies are usually placed inside incubators where the humidity of the baby’s environment can also be controlled to prevent evaporative heat losses through the skin. Premature babies, if they need respiratory support are provided with heated and humidified air through bubble CPAPs or ventilators.  Kangaroo mother care, initiated as soon as the baby is stable also keeps the baby warm.


20 August, 2021

Newborn Screening

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Protect your Newborn What is newborn screening (NBS)? Newborn screening refers to identification of the newborn babies and protect them from serious disorders which is treatable, but may not be visible at birth. This screening should be performed after 48 hours of the child’s birth. Why should a baby have newborn screening? Newborn screening is the only way to identify babies with serious disorders, who needs diagnosis and treatment. These disorders can cause injury to brain, nervous system and other organs and in rare cases, the condition may be untreatable. Early treatment will help in proper growth and wellbeing of the baby. An affected baby looks healthy at the time of birth because symptoms are not visible until weeks or months later. Once the signs and symptoms begin to show, the adverse effects can become permanent and may even cause death. It is important that these disorders are detected as early as possible. A simple blood test can give you critical information to protect your newborn against these disorders. What disorders can be detected by this screening? Phenylketonuria/ Amino Acid Disorders: This disorder prevents a baby to break down certain amino acids in their blood such as phenylalanine, ammonia and amino acids and accumulation can result in medical complications. Treatment with special diets and supplements can help the baby to prevent mental retardation, seizures, organ damage and death. Congenital Hypothyroidism: This disorder is caused by the lack of thyroid hormone, which leads to poor mental and physical growth. If treated early with thyroid medication, the child will grow and develop normally. Galactosemia: This disorder occurs when galactose cannot be breakdown in the baby’s body. Galactose is found in breast milk and other milk products. If the galactose level is high it can be life-threatening and cause damage to the brain and liver and can occur as early as one week after birth. When started early, a special milk-free diet can prevent these problems. Organic Acid Disorders: This disorder is caused when a baby is unable to convert amino acids into energy. It affects the metabolism of the baby and damages the heart, muscles and other organs. Treatment with a low-protein diet and supplements can help prevent vomiting, seizures, coma and death. Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders: This disorder is caused when a baby is unable to convert fat into energy. This leads to accumulation of toxic fatty acids and affects the metabolism of the baby. Treatment with a low-fat diet, dietary supplements, and avoidance of fasting can help prevent low blood sugar, coma and death. Hemoglobin Disorders: These disorders are caused by defective formation of hemoglobin. Some of these disorders can be mild but some may be severe enough to require repeated transfusions and even bone marrow transplants. Early diagnosis is associated with better outcome. G6PD deficiency: The deficiency of this enzyme can cause prolonged and/or severe jaundice in babies. In this deficiency use of certain drugs can cause severe side effects. So early identification helps in preventing these complications. Biotinidase deficiency: This enzyme deficiency cam lead to neurological disorders and seizures in babies. Treatment with biotin supplements after early identification can prevent neurological issues. When and how this screening is done? A few small drops of blood is taken from the newborn baby’s heel which is collected by the experienced hospital staff within 48-72 hours of your newborns birth. What if we have no family history of any disorders? Parents with no history of these problems or already have healthy children can also have children with these disorders. Most newborns with these disorders come from families with no previous history of any particular conditions.


15 November, 2020

Know everything about Still Births, precautions and care

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Stillbirth is the sudden death of a growing fetus in the womb after week 20 of the mother’s pregnancy. The reasons go unexplained for almost one-third of the cases. However, the other two-third may be caused by problems with the placenta or umbilical cord, high blood pressure, infections, congenital disabilities, or poor lifestyle choices.Rarely, the baby may die during the time of labour. Although prenatal care of pregnancy has considerably improved over the years, the reality is stillbirths still happen and often go unexplained. As per the National Health Policy, IMR of the country was 33 per 1,000 births and is highest when compared to other nations.  What Needs To Be Done?  The causes of stillbirths are, at times unknown. A stillbirth occurs in families irrespective of ethnicities, races, and to the women of all ages. But there are necessities that a woman can do before and during pregnancy to lower the risk of infant loss: Monitor the baby’s pattern of movements. These movements help us recognise if they become unwell, indeed. Active or passive smoking has a tremendous effect on stillbirths. Quitting or tarrying away from the smoke during the first trimester itself has shown promising improvements in pregnancy care.  Always prefer to sleep on side during the third trimester of pregnancy. This includes, day time naps and regular night sleeps.  Key Moments to Understand Baby Movements  There are some key elements to remember about a baby’s progress: Babies DO NOT move less towards the end of the pregnancy. It is a misconception to avoid.  Never use any hand-held monitors, or phone apps to check your baby’s heartbeat.  You’ll feel the movements of your baby until you go into labour, and throughout your labour as well. Role of Prenatal and Antenatal care  Prenatal and antenatal care plays a vital role in recognising, treating and preventing pregnancy care. They tremendously help you in keeping an eye on the baby’s growth and improvements. These visits also play an essential role in recognising the emergency pregnancy conditions like pre-eclampsia and urinary tract infections which cause adverse effects on the baby. *Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before making any decision.


05 August, 2020

5 easy tips for caring your newborns’ umbilical cord

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Umbilical cord is the little hanging pipe that you see on your baby’s belly after birth. This umbilical cord is originally 50 coms long and connects both the mother and child when the baby is inside. This long organ is generally grown to nourish your baby with food, oxygen, and everything else. After birth, the cord is cut close to the baby’s body as they are fully grown. This little lump looks like a small rope in purplish color and will fall off itself after a few weeks. However, when still attached to the baby, it can actively spread infections to your newborn and hence require your care and attention till it falls off. Here are 5 easy tips you can follow while caring for your newborn’s umbilical cord. Keep it clean and dry all the time   This little slump needs to be clean and dry all the time. Moisture around it attracts the bacteria and causes irritation to the tender skin around it. Hence ensure you clean the cord separately soon after the bath to ensure the cleansing. Do not stamp it under the nappies   Stamping it under the nappies will not expose it to air and attracts the wet from the nappies. Thus, you should always place the nappies below the cord and let the free air circulate around it. Use cotton balls dipped in cold boiled water  Using direct water for washing off the sticky wet surface of your baby’s umbilical cord might not be a good idea. Instead, use cotton balls, or soft clean towel dipped in cold boiled water to clean it. Rub the surface area with the cotton cloth or ball and dry it instantly. Pick the loose-fitting clothes Choose free airflow clothes for your newborns. This is to avoid the stumping of the baby’s outfits against the slump. There are unique clothes that create space around the cord. You can pick these up for a few sets of days. Resist yourself from pulling it off The most common mistake most of the parents do is removing the umbilical cord with pressure. Resist the urge to do so. Always allow the cord to fall off itself, even if it is the final string being hanged along. The umbilical cord usually falls off within a fortnight. Regardless, it can even stay until 2 months. Irrespective of the time it takes to fall off, the care taken during its presence must not be altered. After the fall off, a small wound is left, which is healed within a few days, finally forming a belly button for your baby!   *Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before making any decision.


12 May, 2020

Measures taken to create COVID free treatment environment for your pregnancy

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The outbreak of Coronavirus has disrupted our lifestyle in every manner. Its wrath is no less for pregnant women, and they are also placed in the vulnerable group by the Chief Medical officer in case of immunity. This announcement indicates the extra measures and cares to be taken for them. Nonetheless, with the situation around, pregnancy care has to be continued for the healthy growth of the baby. Antenatal and postnatal appointments cannot be postponed or canceled due to this pandemic. Yet, back in mind, every one of us is scared about contracting the virus when stepped out. KIMS Cuddles, understand the situation, and know at best about your concerns. Hence, we have come up with one of its kind for a screening facility. This facility checks patients and attendants in the gateway, away from the crucial blocks, before they enter into the hospital. The COVID-19 screening (also called Thermal screening) center is designed with complete attention to “safety.” We strongly believe that medical fraternity should never be a cause in transmitting the virus. And every single measure is taken accordingly to provide a virus-free environment for treating pregnant women. What measures are taken inside a thermal screening center? The vital motive behind the set up is to create the safest possible zone for women while entering into the hospital. The thermal screening center is completely fitted out with the trained staff on COVID-19. The contactless temperature check is first performed, then the consent form with the entire history of the patient, together with their travel and COVID-19 positive people exposure details are collected. Depending upon their details, safety ribbons are tied up to segregate the people. Before tying the ribbons, the first level of asepsis is performed where their hands are sterilized using the sanitizer solutions. Then the strips are tied based upon their category. The colors of ribbons include a green ribbon that is suited for COVID clean patients, pediatrics and doctors, a blue ribbon for the attendants who come along the patients, an orange ribbon for mild symptomatic or susceptible people. The orange ribbon people are entirely guided into a different direction towards the makeshift ward. The clean, susceptible free, and asymptomatic cases are conducted into the hospital. The infrastructure of the makeshift ward A makeshift award with complete social distancing and prevention norms is created for symptomatic patients. This ward has separate registration counters and different vital recording counters. It is then divided into 3 distinct chambers, one of which is a Physicians chamber for the symptoms of breathlessness or fever. Second is a Pulmonologist chamber for consultations regarding breathing trouble, chronic cough, and chest related issues. For pediatric children with slight suspect symptoms, the consultation is provided in the third chamber. An isolated sample collection for the highest suspects is also provisioned. It is stocked with all unique equipment required for the sample collection and trained staff to monitor the process. The whole makeshift ward is entitled to abundant ventilation for the free flow of air. It is a semi-open area to avoid the circulation of the same breath. In the case of worried or high symptomatic patients, a complete isolated pink ward is created for the observation. The samples of such are collected and then sent for screening. In the case of people, whose symptoms are high, and the travel or contract history matches up with some COVID cases, we immediately direct them to respective COVID centers entitled by the government. The sterilizing chamber for complete disinfection Now, asymptomatic patients are guided to enter the hospital. Yet, the patients have to pass the sterilizing chamber to enter the hospital. The sterilizing section has pumping units that disperse sodium hypochlorite steadily. One needs to sterilize their hands again, second asepsis for bare hands. Then, the person is asked to enter the chamber and walk slowly through it. One has to allow themselves to be exposed to vapors and aerosols of sodium hypochlorite for about 8-10 seconds. The sterilization chamber helps in sanitizing the external surfaces, including one’s clothes, hair, and belongings. Guiding through the normale Now, every person entering the hospital is checked, double sterilized, and ensured safe. Soon after the sterilization chamber, the pregnant women are escorted to the special ward through the obstetric OPD, with absolute measures for pregnant women as well as pediatrics. The chairs in the OPD are marked in such a way to comprehend the social distancing norms. Alternate chairs are marked to leave one chair and settle in the next to maintain the minimum distance. In the obstetric ward, the boxes are marked for distancing to avail of the services. The chairs are also placed at the maximum possible distance. The minimum PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) requirements are well maintained by the staff in the front office, by the doctors and scanning specialists. Ultra-sonography and consultation services Our well-furnished ultrasound room, where the screening of all pregnant women is performed through ultrasonography, is open and available. Our services to check every detail of the baby’s growth and care is not stopped or restricted. With trained staff to curb the spread and great PPE measures, the whole place is installed with disposals. A complete risk-free environment is created and maintained for pregnant women and their antenatal care. “COVID-19 is one-of-a-kind of viral infection which enters the respiratory tract and causes problems. The root of the infection is droplet transmission through eyes, or nose, or mouth. This is where the role of prevention comes in. The acts of government, self and social distancing and lockdown help us yield better results to throw away COVID out of our country” our doctor said, the head of obstetrics, “At Cuddles, it’s our immense responsibility to take care of pregnant women, who are placed in a vulnerable group in terms of low immunity levels and infection spread rates. We ensured every bit of screening to create virus-free zones for their assistance and care. Our doctors are well equipped with N95s and shields for their protection as well as the patients. ” We, at Cuddles, are taking the utmost care in terms of asepsis and social distancing norms. The entire care and attention are given for our patients to ensure their safety and protection. It is a moral, social responsibility of us to take care of every pregnant woman. Since the smaller centers have space restrictions to follow the necessary precautions, they are not allowed to function. This state has left an immense responsibility upon us to provide even better services for everybody at this hour of need with the highest quality of sterility. KIMS cuddles have our motto to provide a stress-free environment and happy souls. Now, we bestow on the risk-free environment with high sterile conditions for every mother’s safety!

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