Bringing a new life to an existence is one of the most precious moments of any parent’s life. At KIMS Cuddles, we strive to make those precious moments of a mother even more memorable and cherishing through our services.

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Handling Postpartum Depression

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Losing Excessive Fat

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Understanding Your Child’s Sleeping Patterns

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Health Blogs


28 August, 2024

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

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Signs, Symptoms and How to Get HelpBringing a new baby into the world is often portrayed as a joyous time, but for many new mothers, it can also bring unexpected emotional challenges. Postpartum depression and anxiety are common but serious conditions that can affect a mother's mental health. Understanding the signs, symptoms and available help is crucial for new mothers and their families.Understanding Postpartum DepressionWhat is Postpartum Depression?Postpartum depression (PPD) is a severe type of depression that develops following childbirth. Unlike the "baby blues," which are fleeting sensations of melancholy and exhaustion, PPD is more powerful and persistent. It can limit a mother's capacity to care for herself and her child.Signs and SymptomsSymptoms of Postpartum DepressionPersistent Sadness: Feeling hopeless, sad or empty for most of the day.Loss of Interest: Lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed, including spending time with your baby.Fatigue: Extreme tiredness that doesn’t improve with rest.Sleep Issues: Difficulty sleeping, even when the baby is asleep or sleeping too much.Appetite Changes: Appetite fluctuations might result in significant weight loss or increase.Difficulty Bonding: Struggling to connect with your baby.Feelings of Worthlessness: Intense feelings of guilt, shame or inadequacy.Thoughts of Harm: Intrusive thoughts about harming yourself or your baby.Understanding Postpartum AnxietyWhat is Postpartum Anxiety?Postpartum anxiety (PPA) involves excessive worrying, fear and anxiety after childbirth. It can manifest as constant worry about the baby's health, overwhelming feelings of dread and an inability to relax.Symptoms of Postpartum AnxietyExcessive Worry: Constant worry that something bad will happen to the baby.Restlessness: Inability to sit still or relax.Physical Symptoms: Experiencing panic attacks, nausea or heart palpitations.Irritability: Becoming easily frustrated or angry.Hypervigilance: Being overly alert and unable to switch off.Risk FactorsSeveral factors can increase the risk of developing postpartum depression and anxiety:History of Mental Health Issues: Previous depression or anxiety.Lack of Support: Limited emotional or practical support from family and friends.Stressful Life Events: Significant life changes, such as relocation or financial issues.Complications in Birth: Difficult pregnancy or childbirth experience.Hormonal Changes: Drastic changes in hormone levels after birth.How to Get HelpSeek Professional HelpIf you suspect you have postpartum depression or anxiety, it's essential to seek professional help. Contact your healthcare provider, who can conduct a thorough assessment and recommend treatment options. These may include:Therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other forms of counseling can help manage symptoms.Medication: Antidepressants and anxiety medicines may be administered.Support Groups: Joining a group for new mothers experiencing similar challenges can provide emotional support.Selfcare StrategiesIn addition to professional help, selfcare strategies can also aid in recovery:Rest and Sleep: Prioritize sleep and rest whenever possible.Healthy Diet: Maintain a balanced diet to promote general health.Exercise: Gentle exercise, such as walking, can boost mood and energy levels.Connect with Others: Contact friends, relatives or support groups for emotional assistance.Final ThoughtsPostpartum depression and anxiety are serious conditions that require attention and care. Recognizing the symptoms and seeking assistance is the first step toward recovery. Remember, you are not alone and help is available. With the right support and treatment, it is possible to overcome these challenges and enjoy your time with your new baby. If you or someone you know is struggling, reach out to a healthcare provider today.


28 August, 2024

Prenatal and Postnatal Vitamins

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The Importance of Prenatal and Postnatal Vitamins for Mothers and BabiesPregnancy and the postpartum period are critical times for both mother and baby, requiring extra nutritional support to ensure healthy development and recovery. Prenatal and postnatal vitamins play a vital role in meeting these nutritional needs, supporting both the mother’s wellbeing and the baby’s growth. This blog explores the importance of these vitamins, what they contain and how they benefit mothers and babies.Prenatal Vitamins: Supporting a Healthy PregnancyWhy Prenatal Vitamins are Essential?Prenatal vitamins are specially formulated supplements designed to provide the extra nutrients needed during pregnancy. They help bridge nutritional gaps in a mother's diet, ensuring both her health and the healthy development of the baby.Key Nutrients in Prenatal VitaminsFolic Acid: Crucial for preventing neural tube defects in the developing fetus. It's recommended that women start taking folic acid before conception and continue through pregnancy.Iron: Supports the increased blood volume in the mother and helps deliver oxygen to the baby. It also prevents anemia, which can cause fatigue and other complications.Calcium and Vitamin D: Essential for the development of the baby's bones and teeth. They also support the mother's bone health.DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid): An omega-3 fatty acid important for the development of the baby's brain and eyes.Iodine: Vital for thyroid function, which regulates metabolism and supports fetal brain development.Benefits for the MotherPrenatal vitamins not only support the baby's growth but also help the mother maintain her health. They can reduce the risk of pregnancy complications like preeclampsia, support immune function and help manage pregnancy related fatigue and nausea.Postnatal Vitamins: Nourishing Recovery and LactationThe Role of Postnatal VitaminsAfter childbirth, a mother's nutritional needs continue to be elevated, especially if she is breastfeeding. Postnatal vitamins help replenish nutrients lost during pregnancy and delivery and support lactation.Essential Nutrients in Postnatal VitaminsCalcium: Critical for bone health, especially if breastfeeding, as calcium can be depleted from the mother's body to provide for the baby.Vitamin D: Supports the immune system and bone health for both mother and baby. Breastfed babies rely on their mother's vitamin D stores.Iron: Helps replenish iron stores that may have been depleted during childbirth and supports energy levels.B Vitamins: Including B6 and B12, these support energy production and can help combat postpartum depression and fatigue.Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Important for the development of the baby's brain and eyes and they can support the mother's mental health.Benefits for the BabyPostnatal vitamins are especially important for breastfeeding moms since they have a direct impact on the quality of breast milk. Adequate nutritional intake ensures that the infant gets enough vitamins and minerals to grow and thrive.Choosing the Right VitaminsWhen choosing prenatal and postnatal vitamins, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider. They can recommend a supplement that meets your specific needs based on your diet, health status and any existing medical conditions.ConclusionPrenatal and postnatal vitamins are critical for the health of both mother and baby, since they provide important nutrients for growth, development and recuperation. Understanding the importance of these vitamins and adding them into your healthcare regimen will help you have a healthy pregnancy and postpartum time. Remember that, while vitamins are vital, they should be combined with a well balanced diet rich in whole foods to provide a comprehensive approach to mother and newborn health.


27 December, 2022

Tips for dealing with postpartum vaginal discharge

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Lochia, or the vaginal discharge that a woman’s body produces following childbirth, is expected to last for a few days to weeks after delivery. After birth, the rapid flow of blood and mucus begins. For the first 2-3 days after birth, the bleeding will be severe and contain blood clots. However, after a few days, the flow will gradually decrease to spotting before stopping entirely. When the uterus recovers after a few weeks, the flow colour can change from dark red to brown, then yellowish-white. It’s an unavoidable and inevitable occurrence, and the only thing you can do is wait for it to end. It continues to decrease in volume before entirely ending. Here are a few essential tips to keep you prepared for this postpartum vaginal discharge.  Pile up with sanitary napkins and replace them regularly. You’ll need big pads with a lot of absorption potential in the first few days. Maintaining strict sanitation and keeping your private parts washed will help you prevent more postpartum infections. To keep away the infections, avoid having tampons or menstrual cups. Empty the bladder regularly, even if you don’t have the urge. This will relieve you.  Medications that thin the blood, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, should be avoided. Seek your doctor’s suggestion for any other medicines during lochia.  Increase your iron content in your food and get enough rest.  It would help to avoid heavy exercises and strenuous athletic movements. Your body is tired, and you must acknowledge what it needs.  Your body will have to get rid of the excess blood and tissues if you give birth vaginally or by c-section. The rate and length of bleeding following a c-section would be the same as with natural childbirth. However, if the blood discharge is bright red within the first week of delivery and the lochia discharge increases rather than decreasing over time, you should see your doctor.  *Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before making any decision. 


26 November, 2022

What to expect from postnatal care for you and your newborn

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A bundle of happiness just enters into your lives, and it is a blissful experience to welcome new family members. After the long mystical journey of pregnancy, feeling your baby in your hands is the beautiful moment of life. With all the changes that your body has gone through mentally and physically, getting back to normal is a time-consuming process. Both your baby and you require immense attention post-delivery.  Meanwhile, adjusting to everyday life after baby birth has its own challenges. Knowing a few details about the postnatal period care will help you better in coping up with the new changes. Here are a few things to expect from postnatal care for your newborn and you for a healthy and happy recovery and growth!  Adjusting to motherhood With all the changes and emotions you witness, the major one to entitle is motherhood. Especially for the first time moms, handling those little bundles of happiness is the whole new magic. As your baby needs to be fed and changed often, you may experience sleepless nights and tiring long days. It can be frustrating and irksome. But do not worry, it will eventually fall into a routine. Understanding the baby needs  Although the baby’s sleep for most of the time in initial days, they still communicate their needs. However, we never really know when they will go hungry or when they will wake up. It might be very alarming and laborious to understand the cycle. Set a routine and do not hesitate to seek support from your family to attend the baby needs.  Immediate signs to recognise for newborn  There are certainly some signs which are hazardous to your baby’s health and requires immediate care. Notice your newborn every few minutes and hours. A small change might lead to a larger complication.Do not wait to consult a doctor if the baby exhibits any of the following signs, day or night: Moderate or high fever or feels cold than usual.  Difficulty in breathing  Bleeding at any part of the body Yellow palms and soles of feet’ Not feeding or diarrhoea.  Coping with body changes Apart from the regular round-the-clock routine, it is important to understand and listen to your body needs as well. Mother’s body undergoes a lot of changes and requires enough coping time to adjust to the changes. From the stretch marks to skin glow, your body tends to exhibit a lot of changes. Mothers’ mental health Soon after giving birth, nearly 80 per cent of all the mothers experience a depressing emotional phase. Dropping of high levels of hormones can be one of the major reasons for the sudden change.  Alongside, sleep deprivation and life transition of becoming a parent can overwhelm in the early days. Usually, these symptoms subside within a few weeks. If not, seeking medical health is highly necessary.  Tips to make postpartum recovery easy Choose your hospital carefully who would regard your prenatal and postnatal care with all professional and immediate response.  Know your body and stay hydrated. Do not overtire yourself without the factor of rest at all.  Right nutrition plays a key role. Not just to your baby, take some healthy snack every time you feed your newborn.  Remember to help yourself and reflect on what you are doing and how you are feeling. Take time for yourself to recharge your tired batteries; you require it the most. Record your thoughts and changes and share them with your family and friends. Any additional emotional and physical changes after birth will slowly improve. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor regarding any concerns!!*Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.


21 October, 2021

Post Menopausal Bleeding

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What is post-menopausal bleeding? When the monthly periods stop for 12 months we call it menopause.  Any bleeding that happens after that is called post-menopausal bleeding.  Is it normal to have bleeding after menopause? It is never normal to have bleeding after menopause. Even if it is spotting, or slight smearing of blood on pad or happened only once or no pain it is still not normal and you should not ignore.  Is it cancer?  All women who have post-menopausal bleeding will not have cancer.  Only less than 10% women might have cancer. Rest of 90% might have simple reasons for bleeding.  What can be the reasons for the post-menopausal bleeding? Most common reason will be dryness of vagina also known as atrophy.  Other reasons might include small growths or polyps, infection of cervix or vagina, or use of hormone replacement pills. Less commonly there can be cancer of uterus or cervix or vagina.  What should I do when I notice post-menopausal bleeding?  Whenever you notice post-menopausal bleeding make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible instead of postponing or observing for repetition.  What will happen at doctor’s visit?  When you visit the doctor will complaints of post-menopausal bleeding the doctor will take history of all your medical problems and check you which might involve internal check. If you are due for Pap smear or never had that done before Pap smear will be done which is twisting of soft brush at cervix – that is mouth of the uterus.  You will be advised ultrasound scan to check for any growths inside the uterus or abnormal thickness of uterine lining and also to rule out ovarian cysts.  You will be advised to have a biopsy of the lining of the uterus if it is looking thick. It is generally done in the outpatient department itself and you will not need anesthesia. It is well tolerated and a simple procedure. You might experience some crampy pain while biopsy is being taken.  The reports will be available in a week and you will be called to discuss the reports.  If biopsy is not tolerated or insufficient or if you are taking a pill for breast cancer you will need a camera test called hysteroscopy. A small camera is passed inside the uterus to check the lining. It can be done as outpatient or in operation theatre under anaesthesia. Even if you need anaesthesia it is a small procedure and you will be discharged on same day of the procedure.  What are the treatment options?  If biopsy and all examination reports are normal you will be reassured and no follow up will be needed unless the problem repeats. If there is uterine cancer identified you will need surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries. Remember the uterine cancers are detected early so there is very good cure possible. If vaginal dryness is the cause – you will be given hormone cream to help. If any infections identified you will be suggested appropriate antibiotics. If small polyps are the reason the polyps can be removed and sent for biopsy. If lining is thick but no cancer within then progesterone pills or coil will be suggested. Overall the treatment depends on the cause of the postmenopausal bleeding. 


18 August, 2021

Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)

Authored By: Dr. K. Shilpi Reddy

Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is heavy bleeding after giving birth. It’s a serious but rare condition. It usually happens on first day of giving birth, but it can happen anytime upto 12 weeks after having a baby. Research shows upto 5 in 100 women who have a baby can land up in PPH. Losing some blood is normal after giving birth. Women usually lose about 500 ml during vaginal birth or about 1,000 ml after a cesarean birth (also called c-section).  In PPH, Blood loss is much more leading to a dangerous situation. PPH can cause a severe alteration in the vitals. If not treated immediately, this will cause to shock and death.  WHAT CAUSES POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE? After delivery of baby, the uterus contracts pushing out the placenta. After the placenta is delivered, these contractions puts pressure on the bleeding vessels at the placental attachment site. If the uterus doesn’t contract strongly enough, these blood vessels bleed freely. Small pieces of the placenta attached can also lead to bleeding.  Conditions that affect the uterus Uterine atony. This is the foremost common cause of PPH. It is the condition when the muscles in your uterus remains relaxed after birth. It usually happens if uterus is stretched or enlarged from giving birth to twins or a large baby. It also can happen if you’ve already had several children, you’re in labor for a long time or you have too much amniotic fluid (fluid that surrounds your baby). Uterine inversion. This is a rare condition when the uterus turns inside out after delivery of the baby with or without placenta. Uterine rupture. This is when the uterus tears during the process of labor. It happens rarely. It may happen in cases of scared uterus from previous surgeries on the uterus.  Conditions that affect the placenta Placental abruption. Placenta separates partially or completely before birth. Placenta accreta, placenta increta or placenta percreta- Placenta do not separate after delivery as it has grown deep into the uterine wall. Placenta previa– Placenta lie over cervix in the lower segment of the uterus which do not contract after delivery. Retained placenta- Placenta is not delivered within 30-60minutes of delivery. Sometimes even after placental delivery, a small part can be left in the uterus leading to PPH.  Conditions during labor and birth Having a c-section  Getting general anesthesia. Usually needed only in cases of emergency c-section. It can cause uterine relaxation. Taking medicines to induce labor.    Taking medicines to stop or prevent preterm labor. If you have preterm labor, your doctor may give you medicines called tocolytics to slow or stop contractions. Tearing (also called lacerations). This may happen if a part of vagina or cervix are cut or torn during birth. This can happen following birth of a large baby, your baby is born through the birth canal too quickly or you have an episiotomy that tears. Tearing also can happen if your doctor have to use forceps or a vacuum, to help move your baby through the birth canal during birth.  A quick labor or prolong labor. Labor is different for every woman.   Other conditions Clotting disorders, like von Willebrand disease or disseminated intravascular coagulation (also called DIC). -can increase your risk of forming a hematoma.  Infection, like chorioamnionitis.-infection of the placenta and amniotic fluid. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (also called ICP). It can alter clotting mechanism. Obesity.  Preeclampsia or gestational hypertension. These are conditions with high blood pressure in pregnant women.  WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF PPH? Each woman may experience symptoms differently but most common are: uncontrolled bleeding decreased blood pressure increased heart rate decrease in the red blood cell count. swelling and pain in the vaginal and perineal area DIAGNOSIS Your doctor may use these tests to see if you have PPH or try to find the cause for PPH: Blood tests for clotting factors. Hematocrit – It checks the percent of your blood (called whole blood) that’s made up of red blood cells. Bleeding can cause a low hematocrit. Blood loss measurement – To evaluate the blood loss, your doctor may weigh or count the number of pads and sponges used to soak up the blood.  Pelvic exam – For tears and haematomas. Physical exam – For your vitals. Ultrasound– to check for problems with the placenta or uterus. TREATMENT It depends on what’s causing your bleeding. The aim is to find and stop the cause of the bleeding as soon as possible. It may include: Getting fluids, medicine (like Pitocin) or having a blood transfusion – to maintain the blood volume lost in PPH. Examination of the uterus and other pelvic tissues, the vagina, and the vulva to look for areas that may need repair Bakri balloon or a Foley catheter to put pressure on the bleeding area inside the uterus.  Surgery, like a hysterectomy or a laparotomy. It is the last resort when other treatments are not working. Laprotomy is needed to find out the cause of bleeding and hysterectomy is done when uterus fails to contract inspite of all measures or is torn beyond repair.   Massaging the uterus by hand. Help to contract the uterus. Getting oxygen by mask Removing any remaining pieces of the placenta from the uterus. Embolization of the blood vessels of the uterus. It’s used in special cases and may prevent a hysterectomy.  Taking extra iron supplements along with a prenatal vitamin.  COMPLICATIONS Mild PPH can lead to anemia, but severe PPH can lead to serious consequences like shock or even Death.


05 July, 2021

Know how post-pregnancy belly wrap helps you.

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The phase of pregnancy and giving birth to your baby are the most precious moments of your life. Your body has taken all the burden of growing a new being inside of you. And it has gone through tremendous changes throughout your pregnancy. Getting back to normal will take certain amounts of time post-delivery. Your body will require your attention and care during the process.  One of the most important and overly challenging parts of the transformation process is the belly and stomach stretch. They stretch predominantly to accommodate the space for your baby. Post the delivery process, all the cells along the abdominal wall try to shrink back. But the push and the ordeal is not easy for your body to handle. A little push from your end might help the cells garner energy. No wonder belly wrapping is seen and followed for ages to support the mother’s body after delivery.  How does belly wrap work? Wrapping a material (typically fabric) around your midsection is described as belly wrapping. The material is generally firmly wrapped around your abdomen or stomach to give support and maintain it in place. This might be beneficial since your body will continue to change after you give birth, and having someone to support you can help your body heal correctly. Today, belly wrapping can range from conventional fabric lengths to postpartum girdles constructed from various materials (can be picked based on the material). Belly wrapping in C-sections Many believe that belly wrapping cannot be performed or used in C-section deliveries. As the cesarian involve cuts in the abdomen, many assume that belly wrap will cause pain or harm. But, belly wrapping, on the other hand, helps to ensure that your incision heals properly. Women who have had a C-section may experience a longer and more painful recovery than those who have had a vaginal delivery. However, having belly wrap will help you fasten the process and ensure a safe recovery.  What to avoid during belly wrapping?  While post-pregnancy belly wrapping is followed from ancient times, some common misconceptions are held against it. You must check out the following list and avoid them during your belly wrap plan.  Do not wear them too tight  The grandmothers in the family and your relatives might suggest you have your belly wrap as tight as possible. Belly binding helps your body heal by gently holding your abdomen in place and providing support for your core and pelvic floor. You need not make it tight and discomfort yourself during your recovery phase.  Notice the difficulty breathing  If you are wrapping your belly and facing some breathing issues, then it is the effect of your tight binding. You might overlook the tight-binding as you might feel like jello for the first few days. But, difficult breathing is a sign which signals you to loosen the grip. Notice your body signals and follow accordingly before any damage occurs.  Recovery following delivery is a long process, but there are certain things you can do to aid your body along the way. While there are certain safety precautions to take, postpartum belly binding is a fantastic way to help your body heal. It’s also simple to include into your everyday routine, whether you’re recovering in the hospital or at home!! 


21 January, 2021

4 Quick Tips For Uterine Infections Post-Delivery

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It is highly known that UTIs are common for women and are even more common in pregnant women. Since the developing foetus may place pressure on the bladder and urinary tract, UTIs are more common during pregnancy and persist even after pregnancy. Although UTIs are common, they have to be treated and prevented for a healthier pregnancy and post-delivery period. Leaving them might lead to higher complications during pregnancy, leading to an unstable period post-delivery.  Thus, here are four quick tips for handling uterine infections post-delivery.  Drinking plenty of water  Drinking a minimum of eight full glasses of water a day is essential to avoid or handle UTIs. Water dilutes urine present in the bladder and helps flush bacteria out of the urinary tract with ease. The more the water, the more the bacteria gets pumped out. Having a good amount of water is a quick and easy way to rejuvenate your body.  Emptying the bladder before urge rises  Holding back the quick urge to empty your bladder pressurises the nerves in your bladder. In cases when you hold the pressure for too long or make this routine often, the nerves in your bladder will be at risk and start losing efficiency. That is why it is always suggested to urinate frequently and empty the bladder before and after sex.  Wash your genital area with warm water Keeping your genital area clean is vital after the delivery. Wash 3-5 times a day, and do not let any fluid or bacteria leave out near the area. Use warm water in case of yeast infections or irritability. Do not use any Irritating feminine deodorants and soaps for personal cleanliness. Comfort and food are the keys Yes, your vaginal comfort is as important as hygiene post-delivery. You can do that by avoiding tight pants and picking cotton panties. These are a must to pamper yourself. Have a balance in your food and avoid alcohol. Avoid allergens such as caffeine, citrus juices, spicy foods, and alcoholic beverages that might irk up your bladder. Have a smooth blend of food routine to maintain internal hygiene.  However, these are just quick tips that can help you handle or avoid UTIs post-pregnancy. You must see your doctor and get checked in case of any irritability or infections without delay.  *Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision. 


15 July, 2020

Tips for handling gestational diabetes post-childbirth

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Every 16 women out of 100 are known to develop high blood sugar level conditions during pregnancy in India. Since the condition is highly seen during pregnancy, it is called gestational diabetes. These increased blood sugar levels usually disappear after childbirth when proper care is followed. Many women with gestational diabetes had healthy pregnancies and healthy babies with all the necessary precautionary steps. However, the chances of having type 2 diabetes are often and require proper care post-childbirth to ensure yours and newborns’ health. Here are some best tips to handle gestational diabetes post-childbirth! Keep up the healthy weight with high nutritional diet There will be considerable fluctuations in weight gain and loss during and after pregnancy. Maintaining blood sugar levels requires a healthy weight, which plays a significant role in insulin supply. Increased weight usually obstructs and heightens the instability of insulin flow. Hence, try to reduce or maintain a healthy weight soon after childbirth. High nutritional and low carbohydrates diet will help you achieve that. Be physically active with regular exercise Exercise is another excellent way to keep your blood sugar in control. A moderate level of exercise or walking for about 30 minutes a day will initiate smoother metabolism. However, seek your doctor’s guidance on when you can start with moderate exercise after delivery. Do not stop breastfeeding   There are many misconceptions when it comes to breastfeeding with gestational diabetes. But, it is highly safe, and your doctors will suggest you feed your baby within 30 minutes after labor. Generally, newborns with gestational diabetes have lower insulin levels and require stability. Breastfeeding controls the levels of insulin in your newborn and normalizes them within hours after intact care. Check your blood glucose levels as frequently as possible  You are checked with your sugar levels before you leave the hospital and 6 weeks post-delivery. If both the tests turn out normal, then the chances of having diabetes 2 conditions are nominal. However, the risks are high and require a continuous check to avoid further complications. Plan your next pregnancy to avoid fetus damage risks   If you want to get pregnant in the future, planning with your doctor will help you. Let them know your previous gestational diabetes issue and keep track of your blood sugar levels before you get pregnant. High amounts of blood sugar in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy can impact the developing baby. Thus, proper monitoring is highly encouraged. As mentioned earlier, most of the time, gestational diabetes disappears post-childbirth. However, the measures mentioned above reduce the risk of developing diabetes 2 conditions. You can know more about gestational diabetes here.    *Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before making any decision.


29 June, 2019

Know more about Postpartum Oedema and how to deal with it

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During pregnancy, women go through several changes physically. Many women continue to encounter certain problems even after the birth of their child. One of them is postpartum oedema. This is a condition that women go through right after pregnancy, which can cause swelling of the face, ankles, and belly. It can also spread to the hands and legs, and can sometimes be painful, making the situation unpleasant. Causes of Postpartum Oedema There are many reasons why women suffer from postpartum oedema. Here are some of them: HormonesProgesterone is a hormone that is produced in a large quantity during pregnancy. It can cause the body to retain sodium and water, which in turn leads to swelling. IV FluidsDuring labour, a woman is given IV fluids to prevent dehydration. However, it can also lead to inflammation which is most likely to happen after a caesarian birth. Hypoproteinemia and AnemiaHypoproteinemia is a condition characterized by lower-than-normal levels of protein in the body. When a person has a deficiency of red blood cells in her body, it’s called anemia. If a mother contracts any or both of these ailments after delivery, she may suffer from postpartum oedema. HypertensionMedical conditions like chronic hypertension and even pregnancy-induced hypertension and hypothyroid renal disorders can be a cause of postpartum swelling. How to tell it is Swelling after Pregnancy The symptoms of postpartum oedema are very visible and can be characterized by: Swollen hands and feet Weight gain Swollen ankles Puffy Skin After pregnancy, if you notice swelling in your arms, feet and other parts of the body, don’t panic as it will go away on its own. This could take a couple of weeks. The swelling that happens in most women is because of fluids that remain in the body after childbirth. Treatment for Post Pregnancy Oedema Post-pregnancy oedema is common and does not need any special treatment in general. However, you can do some simple things at home which can reduce the swelling and pain. If the situation gets worse, you need to consult a doctor since it could be a sign of other health complications which needs a proper diagnosis. Here are some home remedies that you can try for swollen feet after pregnancy. Massage: Massaging can help improve blood flow and soothes pain eventually. Try giving yourself a soothing massage every now and then to get relief from swelling. Exercise: Doing exercise is a great way to get back into your pre-pregnancy shape and to reduce swelling. But make sure you talk to your doctor before you take up any exercise after pregnancy. Drink plenty of Water: Water helps to flush out excess fluids from the body and helps in reducing swelling. Many people think that if you drink water, there will be more fluids in the body and lead to more swelling. However, this is not true at all and drinking water can help with your postpartum oedema. Eat Fruits: Fruits have anti-inflammatory properties and eating fruits can help increase metabolism. This can speed up healing and give you relief from postpartum swelling. Increase intake of Protein-rich Foods: Low protein in the body is a reason for swelling, and so it is beneficial to start adding high protein foods in your diet. Stay away from Processed & Fast Foods: Avoid processed and fast foods as they have high levels of sodium, which leads to the retention of fluids in the body. Keep your Feet and Hands elevated: Elevate your hands and feet regularly to improve blood circulation. This will reduce the swelling in the body and give you rest postpartum. Avoid being in a Stationary Position: Body movements can help in blood circulation. Sitting and standing in the right way for the right amount of time can help reduce swelling and improve the blood flow. Get plenty of Rest: Avoid exerting yourself when your body is swollen and if you are experiencing any kind of pain. Try getting enough rest if things get too much to handle. Soak your Feet: Soaking your feet in warm water with sea salt or bath salts can help soothe the pain and reduce swelling. If you have a C-section delivery, there are increased chances of developing swelling in the legs. In such cases, you can use an ice compressor or take a shower in warm water to reduce the pain. Avoid bath lotions if your stitches haven’t fully healed. When to see your Doctor Usually, postpartum oedema is not so serious that you need to see a doctor about. It tends to go down by itself in a week’s time. It rarely becomes a medical condition that lasts for weeks. However, you may need to seek medical help in case: Your oedema lasts for several weeks. You should try other methods to reduce the pain but if nothing helps, see your doctor about it. Your pain becomes unbearable. Sometimes, the pain may be excruciating and you may need some form of pain relief medication. But in your weakened state, it is not a good idea to self-medicate without consulting a doctor. You experience breathing problems. This can be a sign of an impending congestive heart failure. In this case, you will need immediate medical attention so see your doctor as soon as you can. The journey of pregnancy and post-pregnancy can be challenging. While you are already going through a lot, swelling and pregnancy can make the transition more difficult. In this case, stay calm and prepared, and follow the above steps to manage your symptoms. If nothing helps, you can visit our expert team of doctors at KIMS Cuddles.

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