Health Blogs


27 August, 2024

Breastfeeding Essentials

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Breastfeeding Essentials: Latching Techniques, Common Challenges and BenefitsBreastfeeding is a natural and beneficial way to nourish your baby, providing essential nutrients and fostering a unique bond between mother and child. While it can be a rewarding experience, many new mothers encounter challenges along the way. Understanding the essentials of breastfeeding, including latching techniques, common challenges and the myriad benefits, can help make this journey smoother and more fulfilling.Latching TechniquesA proper latch is crucial for effective breastfeeding and preventing discomfort or injury to the mother’s nipples. Here are some key points for achieving a good latch:Positioning: Position yourself and your baby comfortably. The cradle hold, cross-cradle hold and football hold are popular positions. Ensure that the baby’s body is aligned head, shoulders, and hips in a straight line facing your breast.Cues and Readiness: Look for hints that your baby is ready to feed, such as rooting (turning their head towards your breast), sucking motions, or putting their hands in their mouth. Mouth Placement: Gently touch your baby's lips with your nipple to get them to expand their mouth wide. Aim for a deep latch where your baby takes in not just the nipple but a good portion of the areola as well. The baby’s lips should be flanged out and their chin should touch your breast.Signs of a Good Latch: A good latch is usually pain free and feels like a gentle tug rather than sharp pain. You should see rhythmic sucking and hear swallowing sounds. If you notice any discomfort, gently relieve the suction by placing your finger into the corner of your baby's mouth and repositioning.Common ChallengesDespite the best preparations, many mothers encounter challenges in breastfeeding:Nipple Pain and Damage: This is often due to improper latching. Adjusting the latch or trying different breastfeeding positions can alleviate discomfort. Sometimes, nipple shields can help protect sore nipples.Engorgement: This occurs when breasts are overly full, leading to swelling and discomfort. Regular feeding, expressing milk or using cold compresses can relieve engorgement.Low Milk Supply: Concerns about insufficient milk are common. Ensuring frequent feeding and consulting with a lactation expert can help boost milk production.Mastitis: This breast infection causes pain, redness and fever. It’s crucial to continue breastfeeding or pumping and seek medical advice for appropriate treatment.Benefits of BreastfeedingBreastfeeding provides several benefits to both the mother and the baby:Nutritional Excellence: Breast milk provides the perfect balance of nutrients essential for your baby’s development. It contains antibodies that help strengthen the baby’s immune system, protecting against infections and diseases.Bonding and Emotional Benefits: Touch during nursing builds a strong emotional relationship between mother and child, giving the newborn a sense of security and comfort.Health Benefits for Mothers: Breastfeeding can help mothers recover post delivery by promoting uterine contractions that reduce bleeding. It also reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes and postpartum depression.Economic and Environmental Benefits: Breastfeeding is cost effective, reducing the need for formula and associated feeding supplies. It also has a lower environmental impact than formula production and packing.ConclusionBreastfeeding is a journey that comes with its unique set of challenges and rewards. By understanding proper latching techniques, being prepared to address common issues and appreciating the numerous benefits, mothers can navigate this important phase with confidence and support. If you face difficulties, don’t hesitate to seek help from lactation consultants or healthcare providers, ensuring both you and your baby thrive during this special time.


12 January, 2024

Benefits of Breastfeeding Beyond 6 Months

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Breastfeeding is a remarkable journey that goes beyond the initial months of a baby's life. While many mothers may choose to introduce complementary foods around six months, continuing to breastfeed beyond this point offers numerous benefits for both the baby and the mother. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the advantages and considerations of breastfeeding beyond six months, addressing the nutritional, emotional, and developmental aspects of this unique and valuable relationship.The World Health Organization's Recommendations:Before delving into the benefits, it's essential to understand the recommendations provided by the World Health Organization (WHO). This section will outline the WHO guidelines, which recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding alongside appropriate complementary foods for up to two years or beyond.Nutritional Benefits for the Baby:Breast milk is a dynamic and ever-changing source of nutrition. Beyond six months, it continues to provide essential nutrients crucial for the baby's growth and development. This part of the exploration will discuss the nutritional benefits of breast milk, including the ongoing supply of antibodies, vitamins, minerals, and customized nutrients that adapt to the baby's changing needs.Continued Immune System Support:One of the remarkable features of breast milk is its ability to bolster the baby's immune system. This section will delve into the antibodies, white blood cells, and other immune-boosting components present in breast milk, highlighting how continued breastfeeding beyond six months contributes to the ongoing protection against infections and illnesses.Balanced Nutrition during the Transition to Solids:As babies transition to solid foods, breast milk serves as a valuable complement. This part of the exploration will discuss how breastfeeding beyond six months supports balanced nutrition during the gradual introduction of complementary foods. It will touch upon the role of breast milk in compensating for gaps in the nutritional profile of solid foods during this transitional period.Enhanced Cognitive Development:Breast milk is not only a source of physical nourishment but also plays a role in cognitive development. This section will discuss the components in breast milk that contribute to brain development, emphasizing how continued breastfeeding beyond six months may have positive implications for cognitive abilities and intelligence.Emotional and Psychological Benefits:The emotional bond established during breastfeeding is unparalleled. Beyond six months, this bond continues to flourish, fostering a sense of security and emotional well-being for both the baby and the mother. This part of the exploration will discuss the emotional and psychological benefits, including comfort, reassurance, and the promotion of a strong mother-infant attachment.Support for Developmental Milestones:Breastfeeding beyond six months aligns with the achievement of various developmental milestones. This section will explore how the physical closeness and comfort provided by breastfeeding support the development of motor skills, speech, and social-emotional milestones. It will emphasize the importance of responsive parenting and the role of breastfeeding in meeting the baby's emotional needs.Introduction of Family Foods and Breastfeeding:As babies begin to explore family foods, breastfeeding remains a vital component of their diet. This part of the exploration will discuss how breastfeeding can support the introduction of family foods, ensuring a gradual and smooth transition to a diverse diet while maintaining a reliable source of nutrition and comfort.Considerations for the Mother:While breastfeeding offers numerous benefits, it's essential to consider the mother's well-being as well. This section will address considerations such as maternal nutritional needs, the impact on fertility, and the balance between breastfeeding and maternal responsibilities or employment. Practical tips for managing extended breastfeeding will also be discussed.Weaning at the Child's Pace:Weaning is a gradual and individualized process. This part of the exploration will emphasize the importance of weaning at the child's pace, respecting their cues and preferences. It will discuss the gradual reduction of breastfeeding sessions and the introduction of alternative sources of nutrition as the child becomes more independent.Cultural and Societal Perspectives on Extended Breastfeeding:Breastfeeding practices vary across cultures, and societal attitudes may influence mothers' decisions regarding extended breastfeeding. This section will explore cultural perspectives on extended breastfeeding, addressing common misconceptions and offering insights into how societal support can impact a mother's breastfeeding journey.Addressing Common Concerns and Misconceptions:Extended breastfeeding may be met with various concerns and misconceptions. This part of the exploration will address common issues, such as concerns about tooth decay, nutritional adequacy, and social perceptions. Evidence-based information will be provided to help parents make informed decisions.Conclusion:Breastfeeding beyond six months is a multifaceted and deeply rewarding experience for both the baby and the mother. This comprehensive exploration has highlighted the myriad benefits, from ongoing nutritional support to enhanced emotional bonding and cognitive development. By understanding the unique contributions of breast milk beyond the first six months and considering individual circumstances, mothers can make informed decisions that align with the well-being of both themselves and their infants. This guide aims to empower mothers with knowledge, support, and a deeper appreciation for the continued journey of breastfeeding.This article was written by:Mrs. Pooja Marathe,B.Sc Home Science, PGD Dietetics, MBA Food Management, Pediatric Nutritionist (India, UK), IYCF (India, USA), Certification in Pregnancy Nutrition (Germany), Maternity & Pediatric Nutritionist & Lactation Consultant.KIMS Cuddles, Sec-bad


10 January, 2024

Celebrating Dietetic Day: Nourishing Health

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World Dietetic DayDietetic Day, observed on January 10th annually, stands as a significant occasion to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of dietitians and nutrition professionals worldwide. This day serves as a platform to highlight the crucial role they play in promoting health and well-being through proper nutrition. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the origins of Dietetic Day, the evolving landscape of nutrition science, the vital role of dietitians, and the broader impact of healthy eating on individual and community health.I. Origins of Dietetic Day:Dietetic Day traces its roots back to the need for increased awareness about the importance of a balanced and nutritious diet. The inaugural celebration aimed to acknowledge the efforts of dietitians in addressing global health challenges related to malnutrition, obesity, and various diet-related diseases. Understanding the historical context provides a foundation for appreciating the growth and significance of dietetics in contemporary society.II. Evolution of Nutrition Science:Over the years, nutrition science has undergone remarkable advancements, expanding our understanding of the intricate relationship between diet and health. From the discovery of essential nutrients to the exploration of personalized nutrition, the field has evolved significantly. This section explores key milestones in nutrition science and highlights how these discoveries have shaped the practices of dietitians, enabling them to offer more targeted and evidence-based guidance.III. The Crucial Role of Dietitians:Dietitians, as healthcare professionals specializing in nutrition, play a pivotal role in the promotion of optimal health and prevention of chronic diseases. This section outlines the diverse responsibilities of dietitians, including nutritional assessment, personalized meal planning, education, and counseling. Through their expertise, dietitians empower individuals and communities to make informed choices that align with their health goals.IV. Impact of Dietetics on Individual Health:Individual health is intricately connected to dietary choices. In this section, we explore how dietitians contribute to the improvement of individual health by addressing specific nutritional needs, managing chronic conditions, and fostering healthy eating habits. Case studies and real-life examples illustrate the transformative impact of personalized dietary interventions guided by dietitians.V. Community Health and Nutrition Programs:Beyond individual health, dietitians play a vital role in designing and implementing community-wide nutrition programs. This section explores the initiatives undertaken by dietitians to address broader health challenges, such as food insecurity, nutritional education in schools, and community outreach programs. By fostering a sense of collective responsibility, dietitians contribute to creating healthier and more resilient communities.VI. Challenges and Opportunities in Dietetics:Despite the progress made in the field of dietetics, challenges persist. This section discusses ongoing issues such as misinformation, cultural variations in dietary practices, and the need for continued research. Additionally, it highlights the opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and advocacy to overcome these challenges and further elevate the impact of dietetics on global health.VII. Celebrating Dietetic Day Worldwide:Dietetic Day is celebrated globally, and this section provides a glimpse into various events, campaigns, and activities organized by dietetic associations and healthcare institutions. From seminars and webinars to social media campaigns, the article showcases the diverse ways in which Dietetic Day is commemorated, fostering a sense of community among dietitians and promoting public engagement.Conclusion:In conclusion, Dietetic Day on January 10th serves as a momentous occasion to reflect on the evolution of dietetics, the vital role of dietitians in individual and community health, and the ongoing challenges and opportunities in the field. As we celebrate this day, let us recognize and appreciate the dedication of dietitians worldwide, working tirelessly to enhance the well-being of individuals and promote a healthier, more nourished society.This article was written by Mrs. Pooja Marathe,B.Sc Home Science, PGD Dietetics, MBA Food Management, Pediatric Nutritionist (India, UK), IYCF (India, USA), Certification in Pregnancy Nutrition (Germany), Maternity & Pediatric Nutritionist & Lactation Consultant.KIMS Cuddles, Sec-bad


20 October, 2020

Breastfeeding care for diabetic mothers

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The best way to feed and nurture an infant is through breastfeeding. Most health experts say that breastfeeding is a highly essential way to feed a newborn healthily and naturally. In an ideal case, breastfeeding will start from the first or second day of the birth itself and extends till 15 months. However, many of the diabetic mothers have speculations regarding the same. Diabetic mothers can breastfeed, as well. Having diabetes shouldn’t prevent you from breastfeeding. In fact, there are impressive benefits for both the mother and baby. Know the diversified aims of breastfeeding for diabetic mothers and their babies.    Benefits of Breastfeeding for a Diabetic Mother  Apart from the regular benefits of weight loss gained during pregnancy and relieving stress, Diabetic moms have higher advantages when it comes to breastfeeding. They help you regulate the conditions of insulin and diabetes. Check all the advantages associated with breastfeeding for a diabetic mother. Breastfeeding tends to increase insulin sensitivity and thus shows a more remarkable change in the long run. This will help the mother in managing insulin and controlling diabetes in a better manner.  In Type-1 Diabetic mothers, the amount of insulin required for the body is reduced by breastfeeding. In turn, these reduced needs will make the mother’s body produce less insulin, controlling diabetes condition.  In Type-2 Diabetic mothers, breastfeeding directly reduces the severity of diabetes. This impact is not just during the phase of breastfeeding; its results are observed throughout life.  For Gestational diabetes, the risk of developing later diabetes is significantly reduced with breastfeeding.  Breastfeeding also suppresses periods and monthly hormonal changes for diabetic mothers. The hormone oxytocin, which is released during breastfeeding, acts to return the uterus to its regular size more quickly. The release of oxytocin will also reduce the postpartum bleeding condition.    Benefits of Breastfeeding for your Baby  It is well known that breastfed babies tend to have fewer health problems and infections for the rest of their life. The tremendous amounts of antibiotics present in mother milk help them prevent digestive trouble, asthma, ear infections, and respiratory troubles. Babies might also be less likely to develop type 1 or type 2 diabetes with breastfeeding immunity.   Tips for Diabetic Mothers During Breastfeeding  Breastfeeding is excellent and beneficial for women with diabetes, but it may make your blood glucose a little harder to predict. You will observe variations in glucose levels. Here are the tips to help prevent low blood glucose levels: Plan to have a snack before or during nursing Keep something to handle low blood glucose nearby when you nurse, so you don’t have to stop your child’s feeding midway.  Drink enough fluids and plan to sip a glass of water or a caffeine-free drink while nursing.  Have a perfect feeding schedule prepared by discussing with your midwife or pediatrician. They will guide you and help you regulate your diabetes and a healthy feeding procedure for your infant.   *Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before making any decision.


10 June, 2019

Tips to Prepare for Breastfeeding when you’re Pregnant

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Breastfeeding has several benefits for a baby. Those babies who are only fed breast milk for the first six months of their lives can gain antibodies that are present in the breast milk. These help babies fight off any virus or bacteria that may infect them. However, not all women might want to breastfeed and that’s completely ok. Breastfeeding your child is a personal choice and you need to make that decision before your baby is born. Although experts will advise you to exclusively breastfeed your child for six months, you may even go for formula milk on the advice of your doctor. If you do decide to breastfeed, here are some ways to prepare for it when you’re pregnant: Preparing for Breastfeeding Although many may think that breastfeeding comes naturally to women, the reality is that it may not always be as easy as you think. A few things can be done in advance to make it easier for new moms. Here are a few ways in which you can prepare for breastfeeding while you’re still pregnant: Massage your breastsWhen you go for your prenatal check-up, your doctor will advise you to massage your breasts regularly. During the last six weeks of your pregnancy, massaging your breasts can clear your milk ducts. Apart from this, you should also try to keep your breasts well moisturized to prevent any cracking. Cracked nipples can cause a lot of pain during breastfeeding so taking the right precautions can ease the process. If you have flat or inverted nipples, you can think about investing in Breast shells. Keep your supplies readyEven before your baby arrives, it might be a good idea to invest is breastfeeding supplies and keep them ready. You will need nursing bras, pads, ointment for sore and cracked nipples, and comfortable clothes to nurse in. These are the bare necessities of breastfeeding. You should also consider investing in a good nursing pillow as it can greatly ease the physical pain mothers experience while breastfeeding. You can also try more positions when you have a good breastfeeding pillow. Create your nursing spaceBefore your baby arrives, make sure you create a comfortable space at your home where you can easily nurse your child. Add a comfortable chair or allocate a place in which you can sit while breastfeeding your little one. Put some pillows around and make space to put things away. You can also keep things for yourself, like books or music, so that you can enjoy these little comforts while your baby is breastfeeding. Try for a natural birthStudies have shown that babies who are born naturally with very little medical intervention are more likely to breastfeed well. On the other hand, babies born with more medical assistance have lower rates of successful breastfeeding. However, that doesn’t mean if you have a C-section your baby will not have breastfeeding success. Many women who have had C-Section deliveries have nursed their babies successfully for a long time. One way of ensuring breastfeeding success is to try your best to have your baby nurse from your breast within the first two hours of birth. Tips for Breast and Nipple Care during Pregnancy Many women do not follow a proper breast care routine during pregnancy. This can make it difficult for them when their baby arrives and is ready to breastfeed. Here are some tips for proper breast care during pregnancy: Choose your bra carefullyYour breasts will continue increasing in size right from the first trimester. This means you may have to change your bra size a couple of times during your pregnancy. Make sure you wear the right sized bra to avoid suffocation and discomfort. Avoid tight-fitting bras and go for softly padded cotton ones. Stay clear of underwired bras as they tend to block milk ducts and hamper milk production. Maintain HygieneDuring the last trimester, nipples tend to leak colostrum which is a yellow milk substance. This can happen often and you must maintain your hygiene by changing your bra frequently. This prevents your nipples from being too wet and avoids cracks and infections from forming. You can also use breast pads to keep your nipples dry. Remember to wash your nipples regularly to prevent the liquid from forming a crust around it. Protect your nipplesAfter stepping out from your shower, apply moisturizing cream on the nipples if they feel too dry. Some women may also suffer from sore nipples. In this case, nipple protectors can be used as a pad between the clothing and the nipples. These are some of the many ways in which you can care for your nipples when you’re pregnant. Other precautionsWhile some changes in the breasts are a part of pregnancy, others can be avoided with proper care and precautions. Here are some of them: Use warm water to wash your breasts. Change your bra on a regular basis, at least once in a day. This prevents discomfort due to sweat and leakage from the nipples. Check your breasts every day for any changes. If you notice any irregular changes that cause you worry, contact your doctor. Try simple exercises like arm rotations and make them a part of your everyday work out. This prevents your breasts from sagging during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a testing time for new mothers and many may not take care of their bodies. It is important to pay attention to your breast and nipple health during this time. Not only does this help keep your post-pregnancy body in a good shape for many years, it also ensures breastfeeding success. If you need to know more about breastfeeding tips and ways to overcome common discomforts during breastfeeding, get in touch with our lactation experts in KIMS Cuddles.


12 April, 2017

What are the benefits of breastfeeding? Common myths about breastfeeding

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There’s a popular saying that “Breastfeeding is the best feeding”. Quite rightly so, too, seeing the myriad benefits of breastfeeding. It is a natural source of nutrition for you baby and benefits both child and the mother. Apart from satisfying your baby’s vitamin and nutrient needs in the first six months, breast milk contains substances that help fight diseases and build their immunity. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusively breastfeeding your child for the first six months, at least. Lactation consultant and breastfeeding expert, Amy Spangler, once said, “While breastfeeding may not seem the right choice for every parent, it is the best choice for every baby”. Here are some of the reasons why breastfeeding is good for the child, as well as for the mother: Benefits of breastfeeding for the baby Babies have lower risk of illness “The incidences of pneumonia, colds, and viruses are reduced among breastfed babies,” says Ruth A. Lawrence, M.D., a professor of pediatrics at University of Rochester School of Medicine. Studies around the world have found that exclusive breastfeeding (i.e no formula, water or solid food) for six months protects children from cold, stomach viruses, lower respiratory illnesses, ear infection, pneumonia, and meningitis etc. Gastrointestinal infections like diarrhea are also less common. Protects babies from developing allergies According to La Leche League, certain immune factors such as secretory IgA, available only in breast milk, provide a layer of protection to the baby’s intestinal tract and prevent an allergic reaction to food. Human milk and colostrum have antibodies that fight germs and help baby to remain allergy-free. Lowers your baby’s risk of SIDS A German study found that breastfeeding lowers the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The research indicated that exclusive breastfeeding at the age of 1 month reduced the risk of sudden infant death syndrome by half. Benefits of breastfeeding for the mother Reduces the risk of breast cancer Research has found that breastfeeding helps mothers to lower their risk of pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer. Breastfeeding women experience hormonal changes. This causes delay in menstrual periods and reduce a woman’s lifetime exposure to hormones like estrogen, which promote cancer cell growth. Reduces the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer Estrogen levels are lower during lactation. This is because breastfeeding prevents ovulation and results in lesser exposure to estrogen. Thus, the lining of the uterus and breast tissue aren’t stimulated as much, which lowers the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer. Aids in quicker recovery and promotes Postpartum weight loss Breastfeeding helps new moms recover faster. Nursing releases oxytocin, which helps the uterus contract and reduces postpartum blood loss. Thus, the uterus is back to its normal size more quickly – at about six weeks postpartum, compared to 10 weeks if you don’t breastfeed. Breastfeeding also helps moms in losing their “baby weight” faster. Even though exclusive breastfeeding is recommended by pediatricians and lactation experts worldwide, it might not be the obvious choice for many new moms. There might be many reasons for anxious new mothers to not breastfeed. At KIMS Cuddles, our team of lactation experts helps ease you into the breastfeeding process. Several cultures have their own myths which might discourage some mothers from nursing. Here are some popular misconceptions, and facts to counter them: Myth: Your milk supply is low Fact: If your baby is nursing all day, it doesn’t mean you aren’t producing enough. Sometimes your baby might just want to be close and feel comforted by your touch. Breastfeeding is a supply and demand process – the more you nurse, the more milk you produce. Myth: Breastfeeding is painful Fact: It is normal for new breastfeeding moms to feel a slightly tingling sensation in the beginning. But if you’re experiencing pain, bleeding or cracked nipples, there are high chances of improper latch or tongue-tie. You can seek the expert opinion of the lactation consultants and KIMS Cuddles to rectify this. Myths: You must set a breastfeeding schedule for your child Fact: Sometimes, well-meaning family and friends suggest feeding newborns at an interval of 2 to 3 hours. The truth is – every baby is different. Breastmilk digests very quickly and thus newborn nurses almost all the time. They could be hungry or might just be craving the sucking action. So, don’t follow a set pattern – feed on demand. Myth: Certain foods might make your baby gassy Fact: Many new moms stay away from beans, lentils or any kind of gas-inducing, spicy foods. However, there is no evidence to indicate that gas molecules from some foods can pass through breast milk. Babies can taste certain foods through the breastmilk, which might be the cause for your baby to seem irritable or uninterested in nursing. Now that you know the benefits and myths associated with the benefits of breastfeeding, you can opt whether you want to breastfeed and continue it for the recommended duration of six months (or longer). If you face any problems with breastfeeding, the lactation consultants at KIMS Cuddles will provide you with adequate support.   *The opinions expressed in this article are not to be substituted for medical advice under any circumstance

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