KIMS Cuddles child vaccination center in Hyderabad welcomes you and your child!
Vaccination, or immunization, is the process of stimulating an individual’s immune system to develop immunity to a particular pathogen. Vaccination is highly important for babies, and there is a schedule for providing vaccine to a baby. When the baby stays inside the womb of her mother, she has no immunity against the diseases. Also, she is protected from pathogens inside the body of the mother. However, when the baby is delivered, a number of bacteria try to enter and thus vaccine is highly recommended at birth.
The immune system of babies are not fully developed at the time of birth and their stomachs produce less acid which makes it easier for the bacteria and viruses to multiply. A child born today is expected to have 11 or 12 vaccines within first two years, few of which are given in multiple doses.
We take care of your child’s vaccination at KIMS Cuddles’ child vaccination centre in Hyderabad and keep reminding you about all the vaccines unfailingly, as skipping or delaying the vaccines may leave your child vulnerable to diseases.
If your child has missed one or more vaccines, feel free to discuss it with our pediatrician now, at KIMS Cuddles child vaccination centre in Hyderabad. Our pediatricians will be more than happy to help you with the needful to be done in such case.