Viral and bacterial infections are very common. As a new mom, you may find yourself getting frequently sick and worried about how to protect your baby from these. Here are some pointers for you to do the same:
How to Protect Your baby
Viral and bacterial infections can be passed by touch, blood, or saliva. They can also be passed on through coughs and sneezes. In order to prevent infection from being passed on to your baby, here are some simple precautions you can take:
- Wash your hands properly before and after you feed, change and hold your baby. Clean your hands, nails and under your nails with warm water and antiseptic soap for about 15 to 20 seconds.
- Bathing, brushing your teeth and changing your clothes often can help rid your body of infectious germs.
- Cover your mouth and nose every time you sneeze or cough, especially when you are near your baby.
- Keep a hand sanitizer or antiseptic wipes close by, to keep your hands and other surfaces clean.
- If your baby is eating solids, wash your hands well before preparing his food.
- Feed your baby from a separate bowl and spoon. Sharing food and utensils can increase the risk of passing on infection.
- Keep your house well-ventilated to get rid of germs and lift your spirits.
- Ask for help from family members and avoid contact with your baby if your infection is severe.
- Ensure your child is vaccinated to protect your baby from viral and bacterial infections.
Breastfeeding your baby during Infections
In most cases, it is perfectly safe and beneficial to breastfeed your baby if you have an infection. When you get an infection, your body creates antibodies to fight it. These antibodies are in your breastmilk and get passed on to your baby when you feed him. They can help your baby fight off infection if he gets it, or they could even stop him from getting it in the first place. If you have any concerns regarding breastfeeding during chronic infections, talk to our experts at KIMS Cuddles.
Treatment for Infections
Most viral infections take about four to five days to clear up and don’t need any specific medication. Eating well and getting plenty of rest and fluids are usually all you need to recover. On the other hand, most bacterial infections usually take longer to cure and may need a course of antibiotics. Always speak to your doctor about the right medication, if needed, and discuss the effects of these medicines if you are breastfeeding your baby.
Apart from these, you can take some natural remedies for treating viral infections. Boosting your immune system by eating foods such as turmeric, gooseberry, honey, ginger etc. are a great way to do that. However, before trying any home remedy or medication, remember to consult your doctor first. Our experts at KIMS Cuddles are always ready to help you with this.
*Information shared here is for general purpose Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.