Breast milk is said to be the best food for your baby. It is rich in nutrients that help babies grow healthy and strong. It also contains antibodies that help fight off infections and illness. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a child’s life. However, the decision to do it depends entirely on you. Formula milk is equally safe for your baby.
Many new moms face difficulties in the initial days of breastfeeding. They may even experience a lot of pain and discomfort. With the right support and information, they can overcome these challenges and breastfeed with ease:
Here are some common discomforts that mothers face and ways to overcome them:
- Latching Problems
When your child has problems with latching, it can be frustrating for you and your baby. In order to help your little one latch on, the first thing to do is to find a comfortable place to breastfeed. Remember that skin to skin is the best way to go about this problem. As much as possible, remove your clothing from waist up and let your baby be in a nappy or a diaper. Place your baby on your chest while you’re in a semi-reclining position. When your baby is ready, he’ll most likely come down to the breast and latch on.
- Painful Nipples
A lot of women complain of pain in their nipples when they first start breastfeeding. Changing breastfeeding position may help heal cracked and sore nipples. Also, try to make sure that your baby is latched on properly to prevent this problem. You could try putting some fresh breast milk on your nipples after feeding to soothe the pain. In case the pain doesn’t go away, seek help from your doctor.
- Swollen and Hard Breasts
Breast engorgement problems are normal during breastfeeding. Your breasts produce a lot of milk and they may fill up if your child hasn’t fed in a while. They may begin to feel tender and sore. This discomfort goes away most of the time when you start breastfeeding in regular intervals. In order to prevent this, try not to miss or go a long time between feedings. You could also try expressing a small amount of milk with a breast pump or by hand before feeding. For relief, you could also take warm showers or warm towels on your breasts. If they continue to hurt or stay swollen, see your doctor about it.
With a little time and patience, both you and your baby can master breastfeeding and overcome discomforts. Don’t be hard on yourself and ask for help when you need it. See your doctor or a lactation consultant to seek their suggestion. Our doctors at KIMS Cuddles will help you at every step of your motherhood journey.
*Information shared here is for general purpose Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.