Getting the right amounts of nutrients is essential at every stage of life. But it’s especially crucial during pregnancy. You will need to nourish both yourself and your growing babe and thus, require more nutrients than usual. The best source to get the required nutrients is through diet. But, there are instances where you cannot get the right amounts just through food.
You can plan the intake of supplements to meet your needs during pregnancy. However, the high dosage or high amounts of a few vitamins might lead to adverse effects. It is important for you to understand the safe supplementation dosage and the right amounts while taking these supplements.
Read out to know more about the safe supplements and their right amounts!
Prenatal vitamins or multivitamin supplements
Prenatal vitamins are intended to be taken before pregnancy and during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They are multivitamins that are specially formulated to meet the increased demand for micronutrients during pregnancy. These prenatal supplements are specially developed to decrease the gap between the food intake nutrients and required conditions.
Prenatal vitamins are generally prescribed by doctors and can efficiently reduce the risk of premature birth and preeclampsia.
Iron Supplements
As the mother’s blood volume increases by 45% during pregnancy, the need for iron supplements increases alongside. Failure to meet these demands results in anemia, partly responsible for infant anemia, preterm delivery, and maternal depression. The advised intake of 27 milligrams (mg) iron per day can be easily met through most prenatal vitamins.
Furthermore, if you have iron deficiency or anemia conditions, you’ll need higher iron doses. Your doctor usually manages these doses.
Vitamin D Supplements
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for the immunity system, bone health, and cell division. Lower amounts of vitamin D have adverse effects during pregnancy. It has been linked to many pregnancy complications like increased risk of cesarean section, gestational diabetes, preterm birth, and preeclampsia. Taking vitamin D supplements in the right dosage is safe and suggestable for pregnant women as per their doctor’s advice.
Folate vitamins and supplements
Vitamin B is generally termed as folate and plays an important role in red blood cell creation, DNA synthesis, and fetal growth and development. Although sufficient folate can be obtained through a proper diet, many women don’t eat enough folate-rich foods. This makes supplementation necessary for folate. The expected intake of folate or folic acid is at least 600 micrograms (mcg) per day.
Right amounts of folate during pregnancy will reduce the risk of neural tube defects and congenital abnormalities for unborn babies.
Magnesium supplements
Magnesium is one of the essential minerals that involves itself in hundreds of chemical reactions in your body. It plays an essential role in the functions of the immune system, muscle building, and nerves. Shreds of evidence prove that supplementing with sufficient levels of magnesium may reduce the risk of complications like fetal growth reduction and preterm birth.
All the vitamins mentioned earlier, and minerals supplements are safe to consume during pregnancy as per the doctor’s guidelines. However, check the levels of respective vitamins through tests before taking the additional supplements.
*Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.