Pregnancy can bring a lot of mixed emotions in women. Some may be excited while others may feel anxious about their pregnancy – and for good reason. Studies have shown that roughly about one out of four pregnancies end in miscarriage. An early miscarriage refers to the loss of pregnancy in the first 12 weeks. Knowing the signs of early miscarriage can help prevent this from happening:
Cramping and spotting
The most sure-shot sign of an early miscarriage is cramping with spotting. There may also be vaginal bleeding which can vary from light to heavy, along with blood clots, and may come and go every couple of days. In some cases, the symptoms settle down and pregnancy carries on. This is known as a threatened miscarriage. Doctors may suggest a treatment with progesterone to stop a threatened miscarriage. Talk to the specialists at KIMS Cuddles to know more about this. However, if a miscarriage is under way, it will usually take its course. Remember to call your doctor if you experience any bleeding or pain in early pregnancy.
Not ‘feeling pregnant’
Some women may not have any physical symptoms and may simply stop feeling pregnant anymore. As they start losing pregnancy hormones, they might notice less breast tenderness or no nausea. In many cases, early miscarriages are discovered only during a routine pregnancy scan which might reveal an empty pregnancy sac, where the embryo should be. This is called a missed or silent miscarriage. There may be no indication to suggest that you’ve had a missed miscarriage.
What’s normal?
Although cramping, spotting and decrease in pregnancy symptoms may be common in a miscarriage, they can also be completely normal in an early pregnancy. They may not mean that a pregnancy is threatened. Cramping and spotting can occur in the first trimester, and other common pregnancy symptoms like breast tenderness and morning sickness resolve naturally around 13 weeks, without resulting in a miscarriage. It is better to call your doctor and get a check up to rule out an early miscarriage.
To avoid cramping, spotting and pain in the first trimester, avoid or minimize strenuous activities, stay well hydrated, get plenty of rest and most importantly, talk to your doctor about any concerns that you are having. Hope this blog about signs of early miscarriage was helpful to you Our doctors are KIMS Cuddles will help guide you signs of early miscarriage.