Pregnancy can be a time of lots of questions, especially when it comes to you and your baby’s health. Few women pass through pregnancy without any anxious moments along the way, and most go on to have normal, healthy pregnancies. While women with special health conditions need to pay more attention to anything unusual that occurs during pregnancy, most women can relax and let nature take its course.
However, it is important to know what’s safe and what’s not. Being aware of the symptoms that necessitate calling a doctor can help a woman stay calm even in the most difficult of times. These are some of the most common concerns that pregnant women should keep in their mind, before calling your doctor.
1. Bleeding and Spotting
Bleeding during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester is quite common. It is said that almost 25 percent of women experience some spotting or bleeding in the first 13 weeks, and more than half of them go on to have healthy babies. When bleeding is accompanied by cramping, it could indicate towards a miscarriage. However, it may happen due to other reasons such as implantation of the egg in the lining of the uterus, benign cervical polyps, or cervical bleeding (which occurs after intercourse in pregnant women). Bleeding can also occur when the mucus plug that seals the cervix is lost in early labor. To be on the safe side, it is better to call your doctor during any kind of bleeding during pregnancy.
2. Severe Headache
If you’re suffering from a severe and persistent headache, especially if it is accompanied by fainting, dizziness, and/or blurred vision, you should see your doctor about it. Try to find a comfortable spot and drink lots of water, as more often than not, dehydration is one of the causes of these symptoms. You can also try lying on your left side. If you feel these headaches in the third trimester, they might be an indicator of preeclampsia or high blood pressure. Meet your doctor to find the cause and solution for the same.
3. Frequent, Painful Urination
Although frequent bathroom trips are common during pregnancy, burning sensation and pain during urination are not so common. This symptom could indicate bladder infection, a fairly common occurrence for many women. This is particularly uncomfortable during pregnancy. Make sure you contact your doctor right away if you have these symptoms and help prevent complications such as preterm labor and low birth weight babies. Your doctor may also check for excessive or persistent vaginal wetness to make sure you’re not leaking amniotic fluid, which is a concern before the 37th week, as this could trigger labor or lead to infection in the uterus.
4. Pelvic Pain
Many pregnant women experience some amount of pelvic pain during pregnancy. However, severe and persistent pain is a cause for alarm. If stretching, drinking water, or rest don’t alleviate your pain quickly, pick up the phone and book your appointment with your doctor immediately.
5. Excessive Vomiting
Nausea or vomiting in the form of morning sickness is experienced by many women during pregnancy. However, vomiting more than once a day, especially when accompanied with fever and pain, necessitate seeing your doctor. These symptoms could indicate a severe form of morning sickness, which can be controlled by medication. Although usual nausea causes no harm to you or your baby, the inability to keep your food down may be a problem.
6. Fever
Having a fever during pregnancy can pose health hazard to your baby. The growth and development of your little one depends on your body maintaining a steady and healthy temperature. During the earlier months, fever can even lead to miscarriage. During the later months of your pregnancy, a higher temperature usually does not affect your baby too much. However, it may be a sign of another issue or infection that your doctor needs looking at.
7. Heavy Vaginal Discharge
During the last few months pregnancy, a woman is likely to experience some vaginal discharge. A heavy discharge could indicate that the bag of waters has broken, and that you should head to hospital as soon as possible. If the rush of liquid happens prior to 37th week of pregnancy, it could be a sign of preterm labor.
8. Sudden Swelling in the Body
Most swelling during pregnancy is caused due to hormonal changes, which lead the pregnant women to retain excess fluid in their tissues. During the same time, blood volume also increases by 30 to 50 percent. However, if you swell suddenly in your second or third trimester, or if your hands and face swell considerably, it may be a sign other serious conditions such as preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced high blood pressure. This is a serious pregnancy complication that requires an immediate visit to your doctor.
9. Lack of Foetal Movement
During the later part of your pregnancy, you can track your baby’s movements by doing fetal kick counts. Most doctors recommend checking in with your growing baby a few times a day and looking for 10 movements within 10 minutes. If you try a count and don’t feel any movement, drink a glass of fruit juice as the natural sugars from it can boost baby’s blood sugar and can get her moving. Try lying on your left side in a quiet room for half an hour. If after a second try you don’t feel movement, make sure you talk to your doctor about it.
10. Other Reasons
You should also call your doctor within a day if you experience a moderate, persistent headache or any vaginal spotting or bleeding that lasts more than a day. When you go for your prenatal checkup, tell your doctor if you experience slight spotting that goes away within a day, occasional twinges or pulling sensations in your abdominal area, and occasional mild headaches.
These are some of the common concerns when you should see your doctor during pregnancy. Visit our team of doctors at KIMS Cuddles who will clear all your doubts and ensure you have a healthy, happy pregnancy.
*Information shared here is for general purpose Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.