If you notice spotting when you’re trying to get pregnant, it may be a sign that you’ve succeeded. Pregnancy implantation bleeding occurs around 10 to 14 day after fertilization, usually around the time of your next expected period. It means that your fertilized egg has implanted in the lining of the uterus.
Sometimes, the bleeding is so minor that you won’t even notice it – or you may think it’s a light period. Typically, it means minimal bleeding or spotting for a day or two.
Do all Women experience Implantation Bleeding?
Not all women will experience implantation bleeding. If you don’t notice it, does not mean implantation did not occur. Some women wonder if it’s good to see implantation bleeding. If you do see spotting, you probably won’t even realize what it is until a pregnancy test comes up positive later on.
Implantation bleeding is different from a ‘normal’ period. If you’ve been trying to get pregnant, you may notice a light, spotty period that lasts only a day or so. This may be implantation bleeding. Wait a week after spotting to take a pregnancy test.
How to tell if it is NOT an Implantation Bleeding?
If you experience pain along with spotting, especially if the pain is concentrated on one side, rectal pain, or have a history of infertility or tubal disease, see your doctor immediately. These may be the signs to a larger problem such as tubal or ectopic pregnancy, when the fertilized egg implants somewhere other than the uterus, usually within the fallopian tubes. See your doctor if you’ve had bleeding or spotting between periods for several months because you may be dealing with other conditions such as polyps or fibroids.
Other Things to Keep in Mind
If you already know you’re pregnant and notice some spotting, you may be experiencing what’s called “first trimester bleeding.” About 15 to 25 percent of women experience light bleeding or spotting during the first few months of pregnancy. It usually does not cause any problems but should be monitored. In general, any bleeding during pregnancy is common but not normal, and you should see your doctor for it. In most cases with early bleeding, there is no associated risks and mothers go on to deliver healthy babies.
If you have any more questions or concerns about implantation bleeding or bleeding during pregnancy, feel free to visit our doctors at KIMS Cuddles.
*Information shared here is for general purpose Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.