21 May, 2021

All You Need To Know About COVID-19 In Children

Can children develop severe forms of COVID-19?

Most children (90%) have mild disease. Those children with pre-existing major diseases such as those of the heart, kidney, liver disease, etc., or children with low immunity such as cancers, immunity diseases from birth, etc., obese children are at high risk of serious disease. Less than 2% children require ICU admission.

How can I treat my COVID-19 positive child?

It is ideal to take teleconsultation for your child from your doctor rather than taking him to clinic. KIMS cuddles offers tele consultation for children suspected or detected to have Covid. This will prevent transmission to others and also avoid the risks of traveling and waiting for your child. You may access information from authentic institutional websites such as Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) website iapindia.org.  If any serious signs are present, child should be taken to doctor.

What is the guideline for home based management of children with COVID-19?

First and foremost, record temperature and oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter if available at home, every 6 hours. If fever is >100°F, you can give the child  paracetamol 10–15 mg/kg/dose. Give plenty of liquids. Give soft and light diet. Maintain hygiene. One may give vitamin C, zinc to boost overall health and immunity. There is no role of drugs like ivermectin, doxycycline, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), ayurvedic and homeopathic remedies.

When should I take my child immediately to the hospital?

The following symptoms indicate immediate need for hospitalization – 1. High fever lasting beyond 4 or 5 days 2. Decreased oral intake by child 3. Child becoming lethargic 4. Increasing respiratory rate 5. Oxygen saturation dropping below 95% at home (ensure proper recording with good displayed waves).

Can we continue regular vaccination after the child recovers from COVID-19?

Routine immunization can be continued 2 weeks after child is recovers from COVID-19 infection. If the  child needs some higher medications such as high-dose steroids or tocilizumab which suppresses the components of immunity of patient, immunization needs to be deferred for 3 months after the medication.

How can I prevent my child from contracting infection due to coronavirus?

Like in adults, the bottom line is SMS – sanitization, masks and social distancing or stay indoors. Masks need to be worn by all children above the age of 2 years]. 


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05 August, 2020

5 easy tips for caring your newborns’ umbilical cord

Umbilical cord is the little hanging pipe that you see on your baby’s belly after birth. This umbilical cord is originally 50 coms long and connects both the mother and child when the baby is inside. This long organ is generally grown to nourish your baby with food, oxygen, and everything else. After birth, the cord is cut close to the baby’s body as they are fully grown. This little lump looks like a small rope in purplish color and will fall off itself after a few weeks. However, when still attached to the baby, it can actively spread infections to your newborn and hence require your care and attention till it falls off. Here are 5 easy tips you can follow while caring for your newborn’s umbilical cord. Keep it clean and dry all the time   This little slump needs to be clean and dry all the time. Moisture around it attracts the bacteria and causes irritation to the tender skin around it. Hence ensure you clean the cord separately soon after the bath to ensure the cleansing. Do not stamp it under the nappies   Stamping it under the nappies will not expose it to air and attracts the wet from the nappies. Thus, you should always place the nappies below the cord and let the
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15 February, 2021

Identifying newborns with heart defects- are we doing better?

Congenital heart disease (CHD) or heart defects present from birth, is the most common type of birth defect, with an overall prevalence of approximately  1 percent. Critical CHD, defined as requiring surgery or catheter-based intervention in the first year of life, accounts for approximately 25 percent of CHD. Infants with critical CHD may present during the birth hospitalization, often with serious and life-threatening clinical findings that require immediate intervention. However, some infants with CHD may appear normal on routine examination and signs of critical CHD may not be apparent until after discharge. The timing of presentation varies with the underlying lesion.  Two tools have revolutionized the early detection of congenital heart defects – Fetal echocardiography and neonatal pulse oximetry screening. Clinicians skilled at fetal echocardiography are able to identify most critical congenital heart defects. Referrals for fetal echocardiography are typically prompted by the presence of risk factors or suspicion on obstetrical ultrasounds, typically performed in the second trimester.  The second tool – universal newborn screening with pulse oximetry improves the identification of patients with critical CHD compared with physical examination alone. Prior to the routine use of pulse oximetry screening, approximately 30 percent of patients with critical CHD were discharged from the birth hospitalization undiagnosed. The next important question is what happens after diagnosis? Procedures done through cardiac catheterization —
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17 February, 2021

Complementary Feeding

The practice of introducing complementary foods (solid foods and liquids other than breast milk or infant formula) during the first year of life is variable. The American Academy of Pediatrics and World Health Organization recommend that complementary foods be introduced around six months of age What is the ideal time to start complementary feeding? The optimal time to start solid foods depends on the child’s age, the child’s ability to sit up, support his or her head, and meet other developmental milestones. These guidelines apply to all children, including those who have delays with gross motor skills. Your infant should be able to do the following: sit with support, have good head and neck control, must be ready for varied textures of supplemental foods by placing their hands or toys in their mouth and lean forward and open the mouth when interested in food, and lean back and turn away when uninterested in the food or not hungry. Why should solids not be introduced earlier? Introducing solid foods before age four to six months is not helpful and could be harmful. Reasons for delaying the introduction of solid foods include the following: Introducing solid foods before your infant is four to six months of age may interfere with his or her ability to take in an adequate number of
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