Your baby’s human respiratory tract is exposed to the outside world to allow air and carbon dioxide to pass through, giving it an ideal entrance site for viruses that might cause sickness. Respiratory diseases, which affect the nose, throat, and lungs, are frequent, particularly in youngsters who have not yet developed immunity to the viruses and bacteria that can cause such disorders.
Influenza, also known as the flu, is a virus that causes high fevers, muscular pains, tiredness, cough, and a runny nose for five to seven days. Pneumonia and subsequent bacterial infections might result in hospitalisation as a result of influenza complications. Influenza, especially in young children, can be severe, even fatal. Fevers in children are often greater than in adults, and their stomach problems are typical.
However, vaccines are available that will reduce the severity of the infection and prevent the early attack. No medication is available, which will reduce the flu immediately, but the antiviral medication will help fasten the child’s recovery.
Upper respiratory infection – The common cold
The other respiratory infection caused by viruses is “the upper respiratory infection”, regularly termed “Common Cold.” The occurrence of cold is common in both adults and children. However, it affects children more times, with more symptoms when compared to adults. For example, adults have 3-4 colds per year, whereas children have 6-8 colds per year.
Adults and children have relatively similar symptoms, although children may additionally have a small temperature, whereas adults do not. Although viruses cause common colds, these are less severe than influenza and less likely to lead to subsequent pneumonia. Proper medication and rest will subside the symptoms of the cold.
Strep throat or Sore throat
A bacterial infection is always the cause of strep throat. The bacteria Group A Streptococcus (also known as “group A strep”) affects the throat and tonsils, responding swiftly to medicines. A sore throat is unpleasant, but it is not as unpleasant as strep throat. Viruses are the most prevalent cause of the common cold. This implies that antibiotics will not affect it.
In both children and adults, strep should be addressed seriously and treated as soon as feasible. It can lead to significant health issues, such as rheumatic fever, a dangerous inflammatory illness that affects the heart, joints, nervous system, and skin if left untreated. It can also cause renal disease and rheumatic heart disease.
Prevention is the most powerful strategy for respiratory diseases. Being careful and following basic measures will help us greatly prevent the attack of these common issues in children. Hands should be washed regularly. Respiratory infections are spread by saliva and nasal secretions, which can be spread through direct contact, such as shaking hands, touching shared surfaces like doorknobs and counters, or coughing in a public place.
To eliminate any viruses or germs that may be remaining on your skin, wash for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap. And keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. Many viruses enter the body through these openings.
*Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.