29 January, 2022

Common Diseases and Issues: Caring For a Baby And How To Prevent Them.

Caring for a baby is very crucial because during the initial first year the baby’s immune system is quite weak. Due to this, there are amplified chances for him or her to develop several common diseases in babies or sickness in infant. But with the right care, you can treat common diseases in babies easily.

However, new parents and caregivers may have several questions related to their infants’ healthcare. So this guide will help you to know how to care for your baby and prevent the common diseases in babies and sickness in infant. Now let’s have a look at the common diseases in babies worth one year or less and how to care for them, or how to prevent them earlier only.

  •  Bowel movements

    Keeping track of the bowel movement of your infant is crucial because this can help you to know if your infant is likely to develop any disease. So the different factors you need to consider regarding the bowel movement of your baby are as follows.

  • Consistency.

    Initially, the consistency of your kid’s stool will range from loose, runny or soft. However, infant or formula-fed may have stools with a tan yellow shade and firmer as compared to the infants who are breastfed. All you need to consider while checking the consistency of your infants’ stool is that it should not be hard or very dry because this can be a sign of dehydration.

  • Colour.

    The  Initial bowel movement of a newborn is generally a dark green or black coloured substance known as meconium. However, once the meconium has passed, you can see that the colour of the stools will turn yellowish-green.

  • Frequency.

    When your baby has reached the duration of three to six weeks, he or she should have one bowel movement per week in case you breastfeed the infant. However, if you formula feed your infant, then the baby will have fewer bowel movements than this. If you find hard stools, you should immediately check with your healthcare provider as this could be a symptom of a sickness in infant known as Constipation

  • Colics

    In case your baby is continuously crying in the evening and it gets worse through the night, then this could be a symptom of another sickness in infant known as colic. According to the research conducted by the American Association of Paediatrics, approximately 1/5th of the babies between the age of two to four weeks have an amplified risk of developing colic. Being one of the common diseases in babies, the symptoms can include excessive crying or screaming by the babies, passing gas or pulling up their legs. In some cases, the baby might even enlarge their stomachs.

    Once your baby enters the duration of three to four months, the colic is likely to improve. Though there is no definite reason for developing colic, sometimes a change of diet for the breastfeeding mother or changing the bottle-fed formula of the infants can help. You can even truncate the adverse effects of colic by a pacifier or snugly wrapping your baby in a blanket.

  • Jaundice

    Due to the buildup of bilirubin, a substance produced by the body during the breakdown of the old red blood cells, your baby might get one of the most common diseases in babies known as jaundice. Jaundice causes a yellowish tinge in your baby’s mouth, eyes and skin.

    In case the liver of the baby is unable to remove bilirubin from the body in the first few days after birth, the infant may get jaundice.  This sickness in infant should be immediately treated by contacting your healthcare provider. Generally, the infants need no treatment during jaundice but your healthcare provider may sometimes prescribe phototherapy for the infant.

*Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before making any decision. 


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12 January, 2024

Benefits of Homemade Baby Food

The journey of introducing solid foods to infants is a significant milestone, and many parents find solace in preparing homemade baby food. Not only does it allow for a hands-on approach to a child's nutrition, but it also offers cost-effective and nutritious alternatives to commercially available options. In this article, we will explore the benefits of making baby food at home, delve into key nutritional considerations, and provide a variety of recipes to help parents create wholesome meals for their little ones.Benefits of Homemade Baby Food:Making baby food at home comes with a myriad of advantages. This section will discuss the benefits, including control over ingredients, customization based on the baby's needs, and the potential cost savings compared to store-bought options. Emphasizing the joy of actively participating in a child's nutritional journey, it encourages parents to embrace the process of preparing homemade baby food.Getting Started: Essential Tools and Ingredients:To embark on the homemade baby food journey, parents need a basic set of tools and ingredients. This section will outline essential equipment such as blenders or food processors and discuss key ingredients like fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins. Practical tips on choosing organic produce and preparing homemade baby
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12 January, 2024

Benefits of Breastfeeding Beyond 6 Months

Breastfeeding is a remarkable journey that goes beyond the initial months of a baby's life. While many mothers may choose to introduce complementary foods around six months, continuing to breastfeed beyond this point offers numerous benefits for both the baby and the mother. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the advantages and considerations of breastfeeding beyond six months, addressing the nutritional, emotional, and developmental aspects of this unique and valuable relationship.The World Health Organization's Recommendations:Before delving into the benefits, it's essential to understand the recommendations provided by the World Health Organization (WHO). This section will outline the WHO guidelines, which recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding alongside appropriate complementary foods for up to two years or beyond.Nutritional Benefits for the Baby:Breast milk is a dynamic and ever-changing source of nutrition. Beyond six months, it continues to provide essential nutrients crucial for the baby's growth and development. This part of the exploration will discuss the nutritional benefits of breast milk, including the ongoing supply of antibodies, vitamins, minerals, and customized nutrients that adapt to the baby's changing needs.Continued Immune System Support:
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12 January, 2024

Balancing Nutrition with Milestones

The period from 6 to 24 months is a dynamic phase in a child's life, marked by rapid growth and numerous developmental milestones. Nutrition plays a pivotal role during this time, supporting physical and cognitive advancements. This article explores the intricate balance between nutrition and developmental milestones, offering insights into the nutritional needs that coincide with key stages of growth.The Dynamic Landscape of Development:The developmental milestones from 6 to 24 months encompass a wide array of skills, including motor, cognitive, and social-emotional developments. Understanding these milestones is crucial for parents as they tailor their child's nutrition to support the emerging capabilities and needs.Nutritional Needs during the First Year:The initial six months are dominated by exclusive breastfeeding or formula feeding. This section will delve into the nutritional requirements during this exclusive milk-feeding phase, highlighting the critical role of breast milk or formula in meeting the baby's needs for optimal growth.Introduction of Complementary Foods and Cognitive Milestones:Around the sixth month, as babies start to sit up and show interest in solid foods, the introduction of complementary foods becomes a pivotal step. This section will explore how the introduction of
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